Anyone else have achy feet in the morning?

I'm 30+5. For about the past month I have barely been able to walk when I wake up in the morning because my feet hurt so much. I also have a twitch-like feeling in my right foot when I first walk on it in the morning. It reminds me of the pain I had when I worked in a pharmacy and worked on my feet for 8+ hours a day and my feet would always hurt! However, I now have a desk job and I'm not on my feet much except when I'm cooking, cleaning, or exercising. Could this be due to the swelling and extra weight?


  • I am the same way!!! I don't get it either!
  • @barb4209 I feel like I need a foot massage before I get out of bed :) I might have to set our alarm back a few minutes to get bf to rub my feet haha
  • I do! I thought it was because I stand at work, but maybe it's just normal. It's like I try to get up the stairs to pee when I wake up but it hurts so bad ha
  • I actually have what is called plantar fasciitis. I work in the medical field and am constantly on my feet. Do your heels really hurt in the morning? I would look it up and see if it sounds like what you are experiencing. My foot dr gave me some arch supports and exercises to do which help a lot. Hope that helps :-)
  • @somastar I never though of that. I'll ask my doctor at my appointment next week :)
  • My feet hurt all day everyday. My hubby and kids rub them for me all the time. suck
  • Yep, it's normal. Mine hurt if I stand more than 10 minutes even though I've only gained 2 lbs at 29 weeks. I feel like a total wimp, but we can't help it!! :-(
  • I do also! But haven't noticed any swelling.
  • @pawgio @mommyo3soon2b4 @MommaJTall Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one :)
  • Yes Its From The Extra Weight & Possibly Swelling Well Atleast It Is In My Case
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