hhmm.. could use some advice..please help.

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Howdy howdy!!! ;)
Im 19 and 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant.
Ive got myself stressing haha. Im from a small town. Very small, and news travels way too fast. I have a doctors appointment scheduled at our local clinic but im wondering if i should go or go out of town for my care. The problem is, i havent told my mother or family that im pregnant yet.Now, why im scared to go to local clinic is im scared theyll tell the news before i tell my mom. The drs nurse always visits my mother when shes her. Im scared she might ask my mom, when i didnt tell yet. I also need help on how to tell my mom,im Really scared. Also my older sister she will over react i already know. Please help!! Thanks ladies.;)


  • If you already told the girls at the clinic what the appointment is for, might as well tell the parents, cause i bet they are already talkking about it
  • Im telling my perants in 2 days, its my mothers birthday so im wrighting it in the card. The people at clinic should keep quiet cause of confidentiality, its their job! So telll ur perants when your ready! Good luck and congratulations x
  • Just a little tip it is 100% illegal for anyone working at the clinic to tell anyone that you were there and if they tell anyone you are pregnant its a hipaa violation and can legally get into HUGE trouble.
  • Elizabeth is right. It is illegal for them to talk about your care to anyone without your consent.
  • Well thanks ladies, im just worried dont want no news going to my mum before i tell her. Just have to figure out how Ill tell her, im scared. I dnt know if i should just say "mom im pg" ooorrr.. idk, im just worried about what she will say.
  • Just be straight with her. Sit her down and tell her you need to tell her something very important and that it will change everyones life that is in your life. And just tell her... explain that you may not be ready for this but you are happy and you are blessed and you want her by your side every step of the way. -She is your mother. There is no stronger love or bond. It may take time to sink in but give her time. She will come around. Good luck AND congratulations!!
  • Whether she gets mad first or is just completely happy.. you'll feel soo much better once you've told her. My mom passed 2 years ago and my sister was already like a second mom so she took me in.. I'm also 19 and I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Telling the big sis was hard and I was called an "f$*#-$*g retard.. but she's so supportive now... I think you should just do it.. but when you're ready :-)
  • I am 24 now and on my 2nd pregnancy, but I had my first baby when I was 19, I actually was 18 when I found out I was pregnant.....and I was still living at home.....I told my mom I needed to talk to her about something just her and I....when we sat down she already knew what I was gunna say......she then flipped out and yellled and told me how pist she was and how stupid I was....then she yelled at me for not telling her sooner...because she was mad she missed my first dr.s appt.s she came to every appt after that with me. My boyfriend then which is now my husband lived in a diff state becuz he was in the army...my mom was there with me thru everything after that....and it was an awesome bonding experience....we r sooo much closer now becuz of that....so try to relax the initial beginning is veryyy hard but she will most likely stick by ur side becuz she's gunna want a relationship with her daughter and grandchild.....goodluck grl and relax
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