I'm having contractions but they aren't painful?

I had my membranes stripped yesterday and have done nipple stimulation today, I have been having pretty frequent contractions but they don't hurt the only reason I can tell is because my belly tenses up and occasionally there is a stabbing pain. I don't know what to do yesterday at my membrane sweep I was only 1/2 cm dilated so I don't think this is active labor. Thoughts anyone?


  • I'm 1cm dilated, but I didn't have my membranes stripped, so this might not be accurate, but I get painless contractions every now and then. I kinda took it as a blessing, because I get some pretty painful contractions. Lol. I don't know what active labor is like, but I'm with ya on the painless contractions. (I'm 36+2)
  • They could b braxton hicks
  • @mommy2be333 that's what I thought at first my braxton hicks are usually more painful, and the contractions I'm having are steady.
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