For me contractions were more painful, and pushing helped relieve the pain. My contractions were very uncomfortable in my back, I don't know if that makes a difference. So far this time they're in my belly like a cramp. Good luck!
the epidural didnt work for me, and i didnt find contractions too painful but they are def uncomfortable! and if you want pain meds ask for the iv drugs! thats all im getting this time around too! i could feel a lot of pressure down there when i was pushing but no pain!
You could always try stadol in the beginning via IV, then move on to an epi if it doesn't work. But you have to remember, even with an epi you're going to feel pressure and that can be uncomfortable.
Keep your mind open to pain relievers and be knowledgeable about the diff types I was not sure what I wanted to do going in, was induced, tried morphine, which did nothing, so I got an epidural. I'm pretty sure if my labour came on naturally I would of not needed the epi cause I do have fairly high pain tolerance. There's no shame in having drugs though, nor in not being sure before going in.
Uhh definitely contractions! I had them every 5 minutes for 3 days. I was throwing up and shaking, which is from the hormones. I had back labor, i have a high pain tolerance but by the second day they were unbearable..i was literally screaming when i got them. I couldnt sleep or eat. It took the hospital 3 days to admit me because i had a rlly thick cervix and i wasnt dialated enough. So for me once i started pushing it felt better!! Id say pushing is just more exhausting and frustrating. I was a ftm as well, the pushing burns but contractions are the bad part!! Sorry so long lol
Pushing didn't hurt at all for me, but contractions sucked! The epidural doesn't hurt, doesn't have an effect on the baby, and doesn't make you feel drunk. Lol iv meds have effects on the baby and don't take the pain away just take some of the edge off, and make you feel loopy!
Im a ftm too and just had my baby in June. To me contractions hurt but they got soo much worse after my water broke. I was planning on going natural and was doing great breathing thru contractions until I was informed there was meconium and she had to flush it out. I freaked and couldn't relax anymore. I made it to 7 cm and got my epidural deff helped relax. Pushing wasnt a pain at all. 3 pushes and she came out.
Deff agree with @Mommyoftwoprincesses. My friend had IV meds i forgot which one but she ended up having an emergency csection cause it made baby's heart rate drop.
When i finally got admitted, i was literally a walking zombie.. i hadnt eaten or slept in 3 days because of my contractions every 5 by time they admitted me i went with the epidural, even though i was terrified and my whole pregnancy said i wasnt gonna have one. Lol it was sooo easy!! They made me feel so comfortable with it and i felt nothing
Its different for everyone....but my contractions were pretty bad so I got the epidural and it was like heaven:) I didn't feel anything after that....I'm def gonna get it next time around:)
I was not sure what I wanted to do going in, was induced, tried morphine, which did nothing, so I got an epidural. I'm pretty sure if my labour came on naturally I would of not needed the epi cause I do have fairly high pain tolerance. There's no shame in having drugs though, nor in not being sure before going in.
Deff agree with @Mommyoftwoprincesses. My friend had IV meds i forgot which one but she ended up having an emergency csection cause it made baby's heart rate drop.