Can someone please reassure me,,

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
. .That a C-Section is not all that bad, like what I've been reading. I'm getting scared! lOl

I found out last Mon. that my baby girl is still Breech since 31weeks & I'll be 37 weeks this coming Saturday. Doc. still isn't worried, but It looks like I might be facing my first C-Sec w/my first child. :^s


  • My mom had a C-section with me, then a vaginal birth for my sister. Same thing with my best friend. Her first and third were C-section. I'm working on my first now. But so many women I know have had them and they didn't seem to mind once they had their babies. Good luck!
  • edited August 2011
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  • I had a c section in 08 and will be having another in Nov. It's really wasn't bad! The best advice I can give is to get up and move as soon as they let you. Shower as soon as you can too. I truly believe getting up helped me. I rarely needed my pain meds after, I was just sore.
  • I have had one and I can assure you, mine was a nightmare case but pain was minimal and recovery (walking, moving) was really quick. I'll be having my second this month and I'm not worried at all. Buy a good pregnancy belt or panty girdle and wear it while you heal... it really helps!!!
  • edited August 2011
    @justkirarenee , Thanks!

    @FirstTimeMommyToBe , I don't think I'm going to do the External Version, but I am trying not to lose hope in her turning. But all she does is roll her head side to side up there & poke her butt out at the bottom. She's pretty comfy & or stubborn. lOl
  • @sands , Thanks! I needed to hear that. My Moms told me the same thing which is to get up & move around as soon as they allow me to "if" a C-Section is what I'll be facing.

    @myowndiaster23 , Do you know where I could get a pregnancy or panty girdle, & how soon after C-Sec could it be worn?

    @everyone , Does anyone know if Walking would help get her to turn?
  • I have had 3 with my 4th scheduled in October. Truly...they are not bad! Like @sands said...get up and move as much as possible, try to not use heavy pain meds unless absolutely needed, and follow your lifting restrictions. I also think that holding your beautiful blessing is the best medicine you could ever get!
  • I don't know if walking would help or not, but it doesn't hurt to try
  • im getting ready to have my 5th c-section. they are not too bad. of course you will be sore at first but it goes away pretty quickly.
  • @mommyo3soon2b4 , I definitely agree w/the last part. Thanx Momma! :)

    @snowflake , I hope it does goes away pretty quickly for me as well as it did for you.
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