Breastfeeding and the working mom

edited January 2011 in Breastfeeding
This will be my 2nd child. I bottle fed my 1st bc I did not feel confortable breast feeding (i was only 19.) But now breastfeeding is one of the biggest things I am looking forward to. I work full time and am the "breadwinner" for my family. I am nervous about pumping in my office. My office is in a warehouse, not the cleanest place ever, but I do not think my body could with stand not pumping for 8 hours. Any advice? none of my friends breast fed so I have no one to get any advice from.


  • @XxallyxX, congrats with your second pregnancy and your decesion to bf. I hope i can help you a bit, my name is Alida, 29y, I have a boy of almost two and m expecting #2. I am still bf my first child and loving it, but i didnt set out to bf at all. The most import thing to do is deciding to bf, which you already have done. Do you have the support of your family. This will make bf a whole lot easier. Pumping is necessary, otherwise the milk will become less and less. You want to probably pump every 3-4 hrs. Depending of course when you start working again. Pumping may seem/feel weird jn the beginning, and youll get some comments but forget those. After a couple of days you get used to the feeling and seeing how are your baby will thrive on is all the reward you need! I dont know if i have answerd yor question. If you have any more, you now a have friend who breast fed :-)
  • By law there should be a room you can breastfeed in. if you don't feel comfortable in the designated room provided you can put up shades of some sort in your car and pump there.
  • Yes its a legal issue they have to provide you a place. I'm on my third child. I bf my first for 9 mo and my second for about 7 mo. Medically its the best for your baby. But there is also the attachment you get. I work in a warehouse also. There is a back office they let me use. About every 4, hours. If not you will dry up and get painfully full breasts. After a few times you get pretty good at it. Shouldn't take more then 10~15 min in all. It really isn't as big a deal as it feels like its going to be. Just becomes part of your routine. Good luck!!
  • I pump at work, every 3-4 hours for about 30minutes, but I do not have a double pump. Your employer needs to meet your needs with this, otherwise it is a law suite!
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