I was told I had.marginal placenta previa how far along are you? It means that the placenta is covering the cervix and you may need to be put on bedrest and have a c.section. Mine is only marginal, its not covering the cervix but its very low and close to the cervix. Im not.allowed.to have sex and was.told to just take it easy. Im 19weeks, my doc said most of the time the placenta will move up by the end of the pregnancy and should be fine to deliver vaginally. He said to just be very aware if.i ever.see.any blood and to go straight to the hosptal.
Im 25 weeks. She tld me no sex n dat I mus hve a c-sectn n daz my only option. She said iz covern da openin of my cervix n daz all I waz tld n she even set up my c-sectn date. I waz due June 8 but she set it 2 b dne on June 1.
I had that when i was 12 weeks pregnant from my first and was also told my placenta was to low, one morning i woke up and my underwear and pjs were full of blood and a large stain on my covers i was so scared and freaked out bc i was thinking the worse! I had help my cousing at her babyshower so i was walking all day and lifting heavy things like tables and chairs etc... Dr. Told me i needed to be in bed rest and no picking up heavy objects, i count mop, laundry or bend over no sex etc... After 6 months pregnant everything was ok and i didnt need a c section! I dont want to scare you, just letting you know to be carefull and rest! Lay down with your legs kinda high, put some pillows under them and get comfy! Wish you the best!