losing my mucus plug??

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
LOL I wish there was a time stamp on old posts, seeing as how I had my daughter this day! :) I just thought that was funny lol

Ok for the past few days I have had some yellowish discharge. Well today its coming out in globs (sorry that sounds disgusting lol) Could this be my plug?? I don't think I have an infection or anything. I'm 35wks.


  • yeppers! wooo hooo! girl, send your vibes my way!!!! *jealous snicker*
  • edited August 2011
    I've been losing mine for like 2 weeks I'm 33w 3 d but it could regenerate I've lost mine completely at 19 weeks and it regenerated and now again but yea it sounds like mine well besides the yellow discharge that kindof sounds like yeast but then again I never lost it with my first so its all pretty new to me but good luck
  • Sounds like it could be but I'm a ftm so I'm learning as I go lol! I started to lose some chunks of my plug a few weeks ago (I will be 35 weeks on Tuesday but my dr said it will regenerate so nothing to worry about) and it was like you described..off colored from normal and globby. Also it was slick (if that makes sence!) Hopefully since your 35 weeks, yours coming out will be a kick start for labor and it won't just build up again, only to dislodge and gross you out later (like mine lol) good luck mama!! :)
  • @survivormommie3 lol I'm not hoping for pre term labor or anything but I hope things start happening over the next 2-3 wks. It feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs when I walk!

    @momof22be I don't think its yeast, I've had that and this is a lot different. It's more slimy lol

    @momtobe yea I hope if it comes out it doesn't grow back lol I wanna have this baby by at least 38 wks I can barely walk!
  • Eeeewwwww I know the feeling its like a nasty piece of snot
  • I am 35 weeks too, and I lost mine yesterday. It was disgusting! lol
  • Im also 35 weeks and Im going through the exact same thing. I was also questioning if it was my mucus plug or just extra nasty discharge. Lol im hoping this will make things start happening within the next couple weeks! My last daughter didnt come until they induced me at 41 weeks...I realllllly dont want that to happen again!
  • @headersue did it come out all at once? Mine is just a little at a time.

    @mommyx3 I will rip all my hair out if she stays in that long! Lol
  • Omg your so going to laugh at me but I just went to the bathroom and I have a pad on so I don't wet myself and the pad had yellow discharge lmao I was like wtf? And your right it is definitely not yeast its kindof slimy eeeeewwwww
  • Mine was all at once but I was told it could come out in pieces.
  • @momof22be how funny that I ended up having her this day lol I was just looking back at my old posts and noticed this one ;)
  • edited August 2011
    I know its crazy and that yellow discharge I only had it for two days and now its slowly coming back but I'm still preggo, hows your baby btw?
  • I, wish mine would come out
  • Eww, its soo gross! It seriously looks like you have a sinus infection and blew your nose! My hubby about puked when I showed him! But I've been losing mine for lil over 2 weeks, sometimes I have to wipe 4 to 5 times to get it all! Nasty!
  • @Momof22be she's great :) already 10oz over her birth weight. When's your due date??
  • @momof22be Omg that whole sentence rhymes lol
  • Lmao. :) shes so beautiful. :) I'm due Sept 20th I've been using the epo so we shall see if it works my doc goes out of town all next week so I'm praying nothing happens between next week and the next or I won't be getting my vbac so how fun is it to be a mom to a little girl? I'm so excited I can't wait aaaahhhhhh
  • Aw thanks! It's so awesome being a mom! And she's such a good baby so it's even better lol. Good luck with your vbac!! I hope everything goes the way you want, keep me updated! :)
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