ugh shes such a bitch!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So apparently my aunt was at my moms house a little bit ago, and she likes to start drama and be a bitch. Well she goes "did u know jazz has preeclampsia?" My mom relies "ya" my aunt says"does she realize how serious tha is?" My mom says "yes and explains my dr appts" my aunt then says "she's going to end up killing that thing"

Seriously! That thing has a name and I would never risk her life. I'm really pissed and hurt that my own family could say something like that! I have to see her tomorrow at my shower and I really don't know if I can stop myself from being an ass to her. This is the second time she's said this about me and my daughter!


  • When u open her gift..politely smile and say the thing will luv this ;)
    Whatta jackass hun..sorry we can't pick our relatives
  • I don't blame you for wanting to be an ass to her, that was uncalled for & if I were you I'd feel the same way. I've been following your posts & I know what you're going through isn't easy & for her to say something so insensitve & hurtful just shows that she's a woman without any compassion. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
  • Ya I wish we could. I'm so ready to just say bye and not deal with her anymore. And she's so fake, she acts super nice in front of you and then does shit like this behind ur back. She started a huge rumor about me about 2 months ago. I can't fucking stand her!
  • Ya I'm really hurt by what she said. I just gotoff the phone with my mom and I really didn't need that. I'm alrady freaking out about my babies health I dnt need her saying I'm going to kill her.
  • You know I have my fiances ex wife in my life since they had a child together and after all this time of her being nothing but rude and always trying so hard since day one to put me down. From when her daughter got home sayin she wants to look like me when she's older and the bitch saying I'm too skinny just cause she has her own body issues and it used to bother me but I got to the point where I realized that her problem isn't with me but herself ... I am so sorry that u r going through this but just know that it doesn't matter at all what she thinks or has to say because at the end of the day its just u and ur daughter just like in my case I have man who loves me and we have our little princess on the way. I know that no matter what unless I have something somewhat nice to say I just don't say anything at all cause that's what makes me happy with myself and if her being a bitch makes her happy which is probably not the case then she can do whatever she wants u just hold ur head up high and be the great mom u r cause ur little girl will b here sooner then u know and she needs a great model in her life which is always the mom :)
  • @jules :) thank u. I'm just kindof upset that she's going around saying this to my family. I know I am being the best mom I can be. I mean I may slip on bedrest a little but I know my limits and I am not going to kill my daughter. After tomorrow I'm done being fake right back to her.
  • Well sometime's in life it is a good thing to let someone like that out of your life. You are not wrong for feeling that way. Good luck to you and your baby girl . God will bless you.
  • She reminds me of my stepmom I owe them some money and she says the reason I got preggo is to just not pay them back uuuuugggghhhhh fake ass behotches piss me the eff off oh btw they just took a trip overseas and spent like 15,000 and came home to tell me my grandma needs a surgery that costs 8,000 and I needed to come up with the money I owe them in like a week they claim they didn't know she needed the surgery but they told me she needed it before they even left soooooo stupid tomorrow at your shower just be like oh I hope my "thing" makes it to use this gift and give her the eye or if u don't wanna get ur mom involved just say hhhhhmmmmmm I don't think she needs this oh well I can return it right or did everyone bring gift reciepts?
  • So messed up. No one knows why preeclampsia happens. You can't prevent it. Just plain rude.
  • I know im so sick of my family
  • Tell her to keep her nasty comments to herself. Just be direct. She'll probably be embarrassed and shut the hell up.
  • A lot of family gets very jealous about children marriage etc anything that makes you happy they will try and break it down... good luck with the family drama we all have it LOL!!!
  • wow what a bi*** like you have any control over your damn BP and to call your baby a thing! I get mad when people call babies a fetus but thing is going way too far! I would tell her dont bother coming to my shower if you are going to be so disrespectful of me and my baby!
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