coughing after c-section?

I was told that I needed to hug a pillow and cough every hour to avoid pneumonia I have been so caught up in my daughters feeding and recovery from our traumatic delivery that I have completely forgot to do this and neglected myself is this something everyone that has had a c-section was told to do. I'm so scared right now that I will get pneumonia. Is this common? someone please explain? I don't want to ask the nurses because they already think I'm dumb.


  • Who cares what the nurses think?
  • Nobody told me this after my c-section. I did everything in my power not to cough or laugh bc it hurt so bad. I wouldn't worry too much about it hun.
  • Uhm. I had a c section and no one told me that. I had a cold so I was already coughing, I wouldnt wanna do it on purpose lol. It hurts.
  • I didnt have to cough after my sections either I have had 2 and having a 3rd on oct 6. But hugging a pillow is def recommended for coughing!!!
  • @britni24 @maymommy11 I googled it and can find nothing on it but yesterday they were pretty intimidating when they stressed I WOULD get it. I'm glad to know that most don't do this and don't get it
  • Noone told me that...coughing effing hurts after a c section lol
  • Is it common for them to give you 2 percacets (sp?) And 1 motrain for pain because they did me and I cannot even function.
  • I was given percosets and motrin but alternated. I think every 6 hours was the perc and eery 4 the motrin? or other way around
  • I was never told to cough every hour.
  • I was given this object to breath in to make sure im breathing enough. You blow in it and it goes to a certain range. I had it after my c section and my gall bladder removal surgery they said it prevents from pnemonia.yes they gave me those meds too.
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