Shooting pains really low, near vagina!! Help!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I am exactly 38 weeks and when im walking I get pains really low almost feels like its in my vagina. Anyone else every experience this? Also, I get side cramps.. Im thinking they are braxton hicks though! Does anyone know what the sharp pains could be?


  • I'm only 33w 4d and have been feeling it for about 2 1/2 weeks it kindof feels like the baby is going go fall out of me it is so hard to walk, sit, lay, anything really good luck mama!
  • Yes its totally normal, I freaked out at first to! Its things stretching & baby's head hitting a nerve in your cervix
  • When I first got that pain I went to l&d and it turned out to be contractions that was when I was 26w and now im a lil over 33w and still get them it might be that or your baby dropping, at least you're you're full term so thats great! Good luck!
  • I get these too and they seem pretty common. Im 36 weeks and I usually hold on to something or cross my legs when they start. They hurt so bad! Now in addition to that im dealing with vagina hiccups (thats what my husband calls them lol) n a feeling like baby is punching my crotch four times a day. We are almost done though. I just keep thinking how uncomfortable my baby must be too. I have it way easier then my poor little angel
  • @jenna218xx Has the baby dropped yet? Depending on the station the baby is at and the position of the baby, it could be the babys head putting pressure on your pelvis and cervix.
  • I thought it was probably normal, just hurts!! & catches me off gaurd! Hopefully I deliver soon, but I haven't lost my mucus plug yet and im not dilated yet! I want to meet my little guy!
  • I don't look like he has dropped... But ill ask my dr tuesday when I go!
  • @misskristin how could I tell if he dropped? I do feel pressure and pee alot. Im tiny and he still feels/looks high on me!
  • @jenna218xx You would notice a difference if he had dropped. It would be easier to breathe without him crammed under your ribcage. Also, not all women lose their mucus plug or have bloody show. I was 2cms & 70% with my son at 38 weeks and I don't remember either of those things.
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