scared terrified and confussed

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just foud out I was pregnante on Tuesday the 22nd of febuary. My gyn told me I was 6 weeks and refered me to her partner for pre natual care. Unfortuently my appointment isn't until net week Thursday. I went out yesterday with my baby father n we got into a arguement I was cryin and stressed, when I got home I really had 2 use the bath room. I pulled down my under wear and I saw very little pinkish discharge I immeditely began to cry again n I was terrified I thought I was have a miscarriage the blood stopped but when I woke up this mornin the same pinkish discharge was there only a lil heavier... it looks almost lik a very light period.. I'm scare I'm terrified I'm confussed I dnt want 2 loose my child I alreadii lost one some please help... I need advice like yesterdaii


  • Go to the hospital n call ur gyn
  • It might be nothing but u want yo make sure everything is ok
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  • I would go to the ER I had this happen and they told me a lill blood was fine. But turned out I had a MC.
    Hope everything is fine Hun!
  • I spotted at 6 weeks also. They sent me for an early ultrasound at 7 weeks and I got to see the tiny flickering of a perfect little heartbeat! I'm 8 weeks now and feeling great. My midwife said about 30% of women spot in the first trimester, and as long as it's not heavy or bright red like a real period not to worry. The best thing you can do is stay relaxed and take good care of yourself! She also said being dehydrated can contribute to cramps and bleeding - from your uterus,nose, and gums! So drink your water!
  • Thanks I'm gettin dressed and readii to go now I juss hope everything is good
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  • @mama_kat I was so mad at them! Cuz I kept calling for like two weeks and they would just say it was normal! then at my first apt they said I wasn't prego ne more.

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  • edited February 2011
    Best wishes hun! I just went through this a week ago. Xoxo its so scary and sad...but keep your chin up love
    positive vibes your way!
  • Thanks so much but I didn't have a m.s I'm ok now I lost my appetite so I'm juss tryin 2 eat and stay healthy for my baby but thank u guys so much..
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