a former co worker of mine did and she only knew when she went to the hospital in labor and didnt even know. baby was born at 4 months and hes still with us. she only went to the hospital cuz she was bleeding a lot and was in tremendous pain.
@blessedmom_2x I started to crave wierd foods and started puking at the smell of coffee bacon and toothpaste all 3 times so after the 1st time I got preggo on it even tho the 2nd time was 5 yrs later it was like deja vu for me so I knew to test
I had a friend years ago.... Her first child... The condom broke, the 2nd she was on the pill and the last one she was on deppo. Her body was not a fan lol. Congrats to you though.
I was on the depo for 5 years then got off of it and conceived my first child two years later and since then I am now pregnant with my third all babies are healthy I never had problems with the shots I would def use it again
I was on the shot for 3 yrs and it took me 4 yrs to get pregnant we thought we're never having kids. Then we had hanna tired another 3 yrs and were finally pregnant........ But with twins:) I'm 30 wks on wed
Well point well taken, I've never considered the shot and now it is TOTALLY out of the question! Lol not only can u get pregnant easy on this bc, but according to ur comments it also seems to have a tendency to have u miscarry after getting pregnant on it. Smh I think my cousin got one or two of her babies from being on shot. [-X
Honestly I had the feeling I was pregnant. I had no spotting but I had tons of cramping like I was going to get my period and it just never happened. I never skipped my period and when I was 3 days late I tested, I just knew that stick would say pregnant and it did!