C-section Recovery!! need some advice?? help!.... my experience!!** UPDATE**

edited August 2011 in Health
I had an emergency C-section on Monday Aug.1st .. its been a week and I don't feel any better. My experience was not what I thought it would be... it was awful. I couldn't stop shaking during the surgery, I couldn't feel my self breathing and I kept falling asleep. I had to beg my husband to keep me up and not let me fall asleep till I was back in my room. I was scared I will fall asleep and not wake back up! And to top it all off..... I felt the last few minutes of the surgery. I felt the docs fixing my insides and I felt every single staple. They offered morphine during that process to cope with the pain but I declined since I wanted to stay up. That would have knocked me out! Now, My intestines feel like they move and I'm afraid they gonna pop out of place. I was given oxycotin for the pain.. but when I take the pain killers I feel so out of place. I can't focus on anything and I'm always sleepy. I wonder if there is anything else I can do to be more comfortable and have a less painful recovery. I'm sorry if I scare any mommys that have a c section scheduled or may experience an emergency csection. My body does not react well to change.. so I knew It was a huge risk for me.


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  • My experience in 08 was great. I'm so sorry your in so much pain. My sister had the breathing problem during her emergency c section...they numbed her to high. I was given percocet for pain with helped but did make me feel loopy, I don't do pain killers that well. If your very concerned, its always best to call your Dr. They can check you out. Best of luck and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • I felt the same way with my first it was bad took about 3weeks for me...my second was easy as pie! Relax I promise it will all go away nothing much more. U can do for pain
  • I'm sorry you had such an awful experience :( I wasn't feeling better for about 3-4 weeks, but I also had a small wound infection. I was also not in the best shape coming home. I failed 3 iductions over a week...endured close to 42 hours of labor before actually having her via c section. I hope you are feeling better soon!
  • I hope I do recover well! I guess there isn't much I can do diferently. I wish I was able to do things myself .. I hate asking people to do the simplest things for me.... like getting the remote! :-| ughhhh!!!! Thanks for the advice and caring :)
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  • I was fine after mine I say ask about different pain killers as keeping on top of the pain is key and also try moving around a little aswell as relaxing your body has to get used to moving after surgery and it does help with the healing process.
    Don't concentrate on what went wrong at the birth you now have a beautiful baby and that's all that matters now :) Xxx
  • I was ok after my csection but like u i found it hard to stay awake during the procedure! After four days in hospital i was very weak and faint but they found i was very low on iron! They gave me some medication and after a few days on that i was fine! I was cleanin,hoovering and walking 10days after my csection! Im sorry your having such a rough time! Take it easy and let your body heal at its own pace! But i would suggest getting your iron levels checked if you havent had them done already!
  • Thanks ladies! I called my doctor and expressed my concerns, she wants to see me tomorrow morning just to make sure. I pray she says everything I'm experiencing is ok and I am recovering fine! :)
  • i also had a c-section on the first and it was horrible and i dont feel any better and the pain seems to be worse i also have a little fever which is making everything harder to do :( my baby girl wash totally worth it but this sux
  • I wanted to let you guys know what's the update! @hupe23_1 ... @denois ... @tammy ... @caffeinated_kathy
    @azmom ... @sands3 ...@soon2bmomof2under2
    So I called my doc last night and expressed my concerns and discomforts. She had me come in this morning just to make sure I am ok. She examined me and I have Hernia. :( she is gonna give it time to see if I can heal on my own... if not then I will have to have surgery. :( :( I am so scared of surgery. Hopefully I recover by my next visit.. has anyone have experienced this or know someone who has? Can I do something to help besides rest and taking it easy? #heartbroken.
  • Oh no im sorry to hear that! I dont know anyonr who has had this! Sorry hope u get better soon x
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