He's talking about 2nd child already!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so we were talking/joking around about how I still have a full bottle of vodka I'm the cabinet cause I ended up getting prego before I had had a chance to drink any. Well he was saying a few months after Lilly is born we could give her to one of the grandparents and have a drunken frisky night. I was like oh that might not be such a good idea. women are super fertile after giving birth for awhile. He told me, well you said you wanted more kids. I was like yea but not 2 under 1 practically. He laughed and we changed subjects onto something else.

Now this may not sound to terribly odd at first but here's the thing. I want like 5 kids. I wanted 1.well I had convinced him, after long debates,3 was better. Well he agreed but then this pregnancy has been a but hard with complications so he keeps saying we are only having 1 cause hedoesn't like to see me I'm pain...his suddenly want of another child is completely outta no where! We haven't even had this one yet!


  • My hubby did the same thing. Now I'm on pregnancy no 4.... And in less than three weeks I'll have four under four!
  • @BethyBaby Omg.... how do you do it?? lol. I applaud you for your ability to keep sane. =D>
  • Wow!!!! Brave strong women
  • We have a very strict schedule we follow. It actually gets easier as time goes on because they start to play with one another. Hubby is a HUGE help....and we have a space in the house set up as a daycare type room. After the second so close together you get kind of numb anyway....so sanity is out the window. @mythica
  • My man wants 6 kids, scares me to death but that's what he wants and all around the same age so they can go to school together.
    This one hasn't even got here yet and he's talking about what we can save for number two and how they're going to be. He concerns me. Lol
  • It is def great that the more you have the less expensive things are.... Because you reuse them. I have two boys and a girl....next one is a girl. So everything will get used at least twice. But after this one shops closed!
  • Ha! I'm ready to be done I have a 5 y.o from a previous relationsip and 37+3 with a baby girl (hubbys first) he wants to keep having babies til he gets his own son! He crazy.. well the other day he said "do you like the name Dani if our next ones a girl" I laughed and said first let's get this girl out and get to her 3rd birthday then we'll talk about baby names!AND let's hope and pray its a boy so we can be done!
  • When dh talks about kids he wants them close to the same age because he's at the top end of 30 and doesn't want to be like 70 by time the last one graduates. I want them spread out like 3 yrs apart or so. I am getting my diploma right now(I'm 23 but they have a drop out recovery program were I live) and plan on going to college as soon as I finish it. It's going to be hard enough juggling work, school and a baby. 2 babies plus work and school would almost be like a death wish to my sanity =p lol
  • I just had a baby in may and already my husband and I are planning to try for another in Nov-Dec timeframe. All my siblings were close in age and so was my husbands brothers and sisters. So we both think it's just a good idea to have them all close together. My friends think im crazy but I really enjoyed the whole pregnancy (minus the 8 months of morning sickness)and the whole motherhood thing :)
  • @rckprincess2 ....thats why all mine are close together. I'm 33 & my hubby is now 42. We wanted a big family....but spacing then apart would put him at like fifty by the time we were done. I'll suffer right now with my sanity. But it'll be worth it when the diapers and bottles are gone and they all go to school one right after the other.
  • Ya know the more I think about it the more I think I realize why I'm also kinda afraid of that idea lol. I've been having dreams about having 2 little girls that are very close in age and then having a little boy like 7 years later. Always the same kids, but different times in their lives. And I think that if our little girl comes out looking like the oldest little girl I might get a little tiny bit freaked out lol
  • @Bethybaby that's a very good point. If they are all close together that means they will all be outa diapers and such and into school pretty close together. Plus his favorite to bring up, They'll all be outa the house close together lol.
  • thats very true (the outta the house thing). Never really thought about that... something to look forward to.... In about twenty years!
  • I have 4 and one on the way I wouldn't change it. There 9 6 2 1 and one on way
  • edited August 2011
    @5lilangels... Bless you. I could never do number five. Mine are 3.5, 2.5,18 months and one due in 3 weeks
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