7 weeks left!!!! omg!!

I can't believe how close I am..time is going by soo fast!! My little boy will be here soon,I can't wait to meet him and kiss and love all over him :) anyone else close like me??


  • 6 wks 2 days until my c section. Sooo excited!!!
  • I have 8.6 weeks to go and I'm soo ready to meet my lil guy!
  • 7weeks 1 day :) I'm so freakin excited lol
    I can't wait to meet my baby boy. And hold him and love him!
    It is going by fast but I'm soo ready to be a mommy!
    Congrats. Btw what are you going to name him?
  • Yup! I have 7w 5d left. I'm super excited to meet my bean!
  • I have 6wks 5d left & I cannot wait to meet my little princess
  • 8.4 weeks to go here
  • 7 weeks 5 days if she holds out!! Praying she stays in untill Sep 10th at least!
  • I have 10 weeks officially, but I'm preparing for birth as early as 37 weeks - which would be 7. Scary! I'm excited to meet our little boy, hold him, kiss him, nurse him and stare at him for hours...;-) But I'm also in no rush. I love carrying him with us wherever we go, knowing he's always fed and warm, feeling him wake up in the morning when I do and laughing at his cute little thumps and bumps.
  • 6weeks and 6days til my little girl is here and im so ready for her :)
  • @Tanners_mommy I'm naming him Bentley,we've decided we don't care about opinions and were going to name him what we want. So Bentley it is.. what about u??
  • 2 weeks and 4 days left... and its the LONGEST 2 weeks of my life!!!
  • 8 weeks 1 day till my due date but I'm being induced between 38-39 weeks so about 6-7 weeks left yay can't wait to meet my little girl!!! :)
  • 8 weeks 1 day left for me.. part of me says i can go early but another part knows i'm not quite ready and neither is he... so i guess im waiting it out.
  • 5w 4d before I'm induced... Time has definitely flew. I remember being 5w 4d. I'm so ready to meet this little girl. I still have my baby shower left so hopefully it helps time go faster
  • 7 weeks left and sooooooooooooo ready oh did i mention im soooooo ready. hope he comes sooner
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