
This is probably the third time in the past three weeks that I've become noticeably dehydrated. I can't drink a lot. I just can't. I've tried water, juice, even soda. I've tried all my favorite drinks and the most I can drink in one day is less then half a gatorade (one and a half glasses)

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm just not thirsty at all, the thought of drinking makes me ill, and if I drink more than a few sips at a time or force myself I get nauseous and throw it up anyway.

I just want to give up.... that's not what I'm going to do but I just feel that way.

It doesn't help that in the past two days my appetite is like non existent. I force myself to eat and I hate it. I'm normally so happy but my body is just being stupid right now. T_T


  • Id talk to your doctor! That's not normal!
  • How far along are you? Try ice chips :) I hated water @ first but I got used to it over time...I'm supposed to drink 12-20 glasses of water a day for my twins. I might get in 6-8 and they're fluids are fine. Hope it gets better for ya hun!
  • im on the same boat as u, i have 6 days till my due date, and the thought of eating and drinking makes me throw up... :0&
  • Have you asked your doctor for nausea medicine? I was dehydrated back when I was 22 weeks and went to the hospital and they prescribed phenergan and that helped so much! He said to take half of one the next 3 days as soon as I woke up to make sure I wouldn't get dehydrated so quick again and I did and haven't had a problem since! But u have to get those fluids in u for the baby! Try drinking sprite or 7up, that always helped me. Good luck!
  • @usawife_21 My doctor is supposed to call me tomorrow.

    @spray85 I'm 28 weeks. I love water! But ever since I've been pregnant it makes me super nauseous and throw up =\ I like chewing on ice but it takes so long to freeze I only eat them once or twice a day. And not a lot.
  • @lindsey2bou I have nausea meds they don't help =\
  • @mazyg08 it sucks. It really does.
  • I am sorry @BeAwesome I do hope ur doc can help u somehow!! I couldn't imagine going through that all the time it has to be awful. Maybe popsicles would help or milkshakes? I hope everything runs out ok with u! I wonder if it could be something more like galbladder?
  • I had the same problem I realized that some water is not as harsh as others. Its expensive but maybe buy a few evian or fiji waters and see if you can keep them down better. Normal water is slightly acidic and can cause the acid in your tummy to get worse. The two above are more basic.
  • Try popsicles. I had major morning sickness all day all night for 40 weeks. After being taken to the hospital twice for dehydration I found that popsicles helped, and usually stayed down.
  • Thanks guys I'll try fiji water and some popsicles.
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