i feel like a bad mom

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
But I dnt think i kan keep breastfeeding enymore


  • You're not a bad mom....you tried hon....can you pump?
  • dont feel bad!! You did great doing it till now. I only bf for 6wk with my first but at 4wk I put him on formula at night. I will be doing same for this one!
  • Its very time-consuming...I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up either
  • Don't feel badly. You tried!
  • Its not for ever one. Never feel bad that it didn't work for you and forbid anyone else say it. I will be a bfer again but it was hell with my son and in not ashamed to admit it
  • @pregoagainyay i can but da storing part im still confusd on
    @misselfae Ive only done it for a week atleast u gt till 6 i might do the same as you
    @tootie08 it is i feel like a cant do enything because he always wants to be on
  • @beaded_bunny thanks i feel like people are gona judge because im not breastfeeding
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  • @pregoagainyay do you know how the storage stuff works?
  • @ashleyfew im on the same boat i start school on the 21 and i still dont know how im gunah do it its really streassing
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  • i was dead set i was going to breast feed till i talked to my MIL. i babysit my niece for a living and i've already been told i'm only allowed 3 weeks off to heal. well, chasing around a 19month old and trying to breast feed isn't going to work very well for me... i was kind of heart broken when she pointed all this out, but she has a point. she also told me if he's anything like his daddy was, then he is going to want to eat non stop if i bf him.
  • @ashleyfew im still im highschool and yea we have to figure sumtjing out im confusd on how to store the milk though
  • With the toddler I pumped at work and before work for the next days feedings just kept them in preped bottles in the fridge for my husband. When I was with him I would only bf cause I had huge supply issues*add to his toung tie and you can see why it was so hard a time for us* he self weened at three months. Wouldn't even touch expressed milk after that
  • @beaded_bunny do you warm the milk up
  • Don't feel bad, the colostrum is the best part and your baby already got that. I'm 3wks in and I'm already thinking about stopping.
  • It's not for everybody at least u tried ur not a bad mom
  • Nope. Never bothered
  • here is some info on how to store your pumped breast milk from pediatrics.about.com which were reproduced from the department of education:

    Express breast milk into a clean container. Refrigerate or freeze it right away. Breast milk will keep up to 48 hours in the refrigerator. It will keep longer if it is frozen. You will waste less milk if you store it in small, small, two- to four-ounce containers. Write the date the milk was expressed on the containers. If you are taking the milk to a caregiver, write your baby's name on the container, too.

    How long can I freeze breast milk?

    You can store breast milk in the freezer that has a separate door from the refrigerator for up to three months.

    Make sure your baby's caregiver follows these safety rules:

    •Defrost frozen breast milk in the refrigerator for several hours. Or thaw it by running the container under cool water. Don't thaw it by leaving it out at room temperature.
    •You can refrigerate thawed breast milk for up to 24 hours. It cannot be refrozen.
    •Never use a microwave oven to defrost breast milk.
    •Throw away any defrosted and warmed breast milk that the baby doesn't drink. Don't keep it at room temperature. Don't refrigerate it for later use.
    These tips were reproduced from the U.S. Department of Education.

    I had to pump with both of my kids as they just didn't want to have anything to do with my flat/inverted nipples. I pumped for at least 6 months with both. It was very time consuming (I pumped every 3-4 hours even in the middle of the night) but I felt it was worth it for my kids. Don't feel bad if you can't breastfeed your little man anymore or if you don't end up pumping. You tried and that is awesome! Good luck!
  • i gave up my first time too.. at around 6wks.. i can say if you continue for at least that long it gets much easier.. but try not to feel guilty for formula feeding.. i did as well with my first and hes just fine.. you gave it a good try and at least you can say you breast fed.. you still did your part.. i think every one should try wether they plan on bottle feeding or not.. just so the baby can get those first few days of collosterum.. i commend any one who trys.. and feel good about what youve done already.. you dont have to bf to be a good mom.. :X
  • @juliek77 thanks that was very helpfull what bottles did you use?
    @lae3 thanks :)
  • My son is 10 days old and I'm to the point with breastfeeding where I'm ready to give up and go to the bottle... I've tried pumping and that was unsuccessful.. Breastfeeding is so physically and emotionally demanding.. The only reason I haven't given up is that I feel guilty if I do and that I failed him.. Don't feel bad hun, your not alone with your feelings..
  • @mamapalmer thats the same way i feel i feel like i kant get enything done because he wants to be on and when did you have your baby?
  • My mom formula fed me, never even tried to breastfeed. She was a teenager & it was the 80s, so in her mind there was a lot of stigma and.formula was all the rage.

    Point is, she didnt even try to bf me, and shes an amazing mom. :)
  • My sister said the samething but sometimes u can't and its not your fault u tried that's all that count
  • @captainmorgaine
    Thanks ladies i formula feed him today nd i felt so bad lol
  • @munchkin... I had my son on july 30th.. And I breastfed today but also fred him a couple ounces if formula to see how his belly would handle it and he did fine with it, I also felt bad and guilty bout it.. But I also realize that he did get nutrition and he is still alive and didn't die from it so I know I'm doing a good job at raising,.taking care of and loving my lil man.. When did you have your lil guy?
  • @mamapalmer ur little boy and mine share a birthday lol i feed him formula today to but he seems to like strugle with the bottles.
  • @august22baby yes he didnt wana be in dere longer lol
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