oh poop :( help

edited August 2011 in Babies
My 5 week old hasn't pooped since Saturday night :( you can tell its starting to bother her. We tried helping her push and se will only toot. I do breastfeed. My mom suggested the end of a thermometer in her butt to help but we don't have vasaline. We have mint lube if I can use that? Or should I wait anotherr day to see if she poops


  • you can use lube. you can also call the on call pediatrician and ask- or the local hospital and ask for the pediatrician on call. be sure to tell them you are breastfeeding, because bf babies should poo much more often than formula fed babies. i would say give her juice, but this young i would def think you should call a doc first.
  • I have heard breastfed babies can go days even a week without pooping cause their bodies break down and use all components of breastmilk
  • oh, you can also try butt cream as lube- so i have heard. i have never had to resort to that though
  • I have experienced this with my son when he was a newborn. He would go nearly a week without pooping! We told his pediatrician about it, and she had us do an ultrasound and go to a pediatric gastroenterologist only to find out that he was extremely efficient! When they are breastfed, there is sometimes very little waste because there is less fat and the baby just uses almost everything.

    I wouldn't worry about it unless she goes a week without pooping. I think she's just efficient, Momma!
  • BTW... He had gone as long as 8 days without pooping in 1 stretch! That's when we had all of the tests done. Low and behold... while we were in the gastroenterologists office he pooped!
  • @survivormommie3 yea my mom told me to that since I'm breastfeeding she thought emily wouldn't go this long without pooping. I was going to call her doctor to ask tomorrow but she's starting to get a little crabby

    @bigmamak well I hope that's true.. :/ i m just used to seeing poop in her diaper so I'm kinda freaking out

    @txmoorekat did your son push and grunt still when he went that time without pooping? Emily will grunt like she's trying to poop but only toots
  • edited August 2011
    @minirip - Yes, he would grunt and turn red like he was going to poop, but it was just gassiness... not constipation. It stunk too... I would be sure that he had pooped, but I would check just to find that he was only wet.
  • @txmoorekat that's the same thing my little girl does! I will call my doctor but did yours say anything about how long was to long to not poop?
  • edited August 2011
    To be honest I don't remember because it's been nearly 3 years ago... I do remember that the gastroenterologist at Cooks Children's told me that they had seen instances where breastfed babies would regularly go 10+ days without pooping.
  • to be honest i wouldn't wait. it could turn very bad very quickly. i will tell you if she starts vomiting or her stomach gets distended (starts to swell and bloat) you need to take her in ASAP. it could be as easy as waiting until tomorrow. my daughter had a bowel obstruction at 14 months ... she went 14 days without pooping. and while she was older and what not, i personally would feel more comfortable calling and being safe than sorry. but of course you are the mommy and need to learn your own instincts and follow them. ;) good luck
  • Do you have a walmart or something where you could get vaseline? mint lube might be a little uncomfortable for a baby.
  • @survivormommie3 I've been keeping an eye out for a temp and anything out of the ordinary. I did call the on call nurse to see what I should do and now waiting for a call back. I always end up calling I'm so paranoid about everything but yes rather be safe then sorry!
  • @laura536 the closest store that would carry lube at this time of night is 30 minutes away.. and yea I kind of thought mint lube might not be good for her ha but its all we have.
  • Lol, if it was regular lube I wouldn't have thought anything of it. My daughter used to have the same issue and we'd have to buy suppositories to help her.
  • you could also ttry glycerine supositories, ask a pharmacist about them
  • @laura536 @mamusia I was actually going to get those last week but they were 14 bucks and we passed on them.. I'm thinkin this week ill get them, did they work good for you?
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  • LOL! It is TOTALLY normal for her not to poop very often after the first month. My baby's doc said she could go a week! She's a month old and I also breastfeed. I get a poopy diaper only every other day. There's an article online about it. Also, its very rare for a breastfed baby to get constipated. :)
  • @MrsG You're very right! High five!
  • Try some lotion honey, warm baths, my son always poops on the bath or after one. I'm like great...you need another bath lol
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  • @Fate that's what I thought is breastfed babies don't get constipated but she's been so gassy and grunts and pushes like she's trying to poop.

    @MrsG that's pretty much where she's at too, wet very wet diapers all the time but no poop..

    @SalasMommy she loves baths! And we let her sit in warm water a couple times today to try and help because usually we get a poopy diaper somtime after but only lots of toots!
  • edited August 2011
    If she's gassy, its probably something you ate or drank.
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