oh poop :( help
My 5 week old hasn't pooped since Saturday night you can tell its starting to bother her. We tried helping her push and se will only toot. I do breastfeed. My mom suggested the end of a thermometer in her butt to help but we don't have vasaline. We have mint lube if I can use that? Or should I wait anotherr day to see if she poops
I wouldn't worry about it unless she goes a week without pooping. I think she's just efficient, Momma!
@bigmamak well I hope that's true.. i m just used to seeing poop in her diaper so I'm kinda freaking out
@txmoorekat did your son push and grunt still when he went that time without pooping? Emily will grunt like she's trying to poop but only toots
@MrsG that's pretty much where she's at too, wet very wet diapers all the time but no poop..
@SalasMommy she loves baths! And we let her sit in warm water a couple times today to try and help because usually we get a poopy diaper somtime after but only lots of toots!