29 weeks -3lbs?!

I had a growth scan today and my tech said my littile monkey is a little chunker, he is 1oz away from being 3lbs! How mnay lbs was your baby around this time? She said its in the 50th percentile so I'm guessing that means it normal but that just sounds like alot to me :-?

My friend had her baby a few days ago at 37 weeks and he was only 4lbs and I'm only 29 weeks!


  • I'm not quite that far along, but I did have a friend who had her baby at 28 weeks and she weighed like 3lb3oz. I thought that was big too!
  • I'm 28+1 and had u/s today. My baby is 3lbs too :)
  • At 28 weeks my little girl was 2.5 so that's not that much bigger for a week later.
  • the average weight for a 29 weeker is 3lbs so thats great your baby is right on :] congrats mama ill b 30 weeks tomorrow and i go on tuesday to find out how much my chunker weighs she is measuring 6 weeks ahead! yikes
  • edited August 2011
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  • my baby was 2 lbs 12oz at 29 weeks :)
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  • My baby was 2.5lbs at 27 weeks an 4.1lbs at 32 weeks
  • My last baby was 3/12 at 30 wks
  • I had one at 27 weeks and she was 3.5 and I just had one yesterday at 33 weeks and she is 4.5
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  • @ 28 weeks my twins were both a lil over 3 lbs...had another set of ultrasounds today (32wks) and one is 5lbs 3 oz and the other 5 lbs 4 oz. Big girls!!
  • At 27weeks2days my baby weighed about 2lbs2oz, so he's probably about the same weight as your baby now. I'm 29weeks2days currently. Their suppossed to gain about half a pound a week in the end, so maybe about an 8lb baby? Ultrasounds can be off by quite a bit, try not to stress it.
  • I'm 29 weeks and just had my scan. They said he is 2lbs 14oz. Tech said his head and belly were mearusing a week ahead.
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  • Thanks ladies for reassuring me! :)
  • At 28w4d my girl was 3 lbs. 60th percentile. We just got healthy growers!
  • They are supposed to be that size around this time. I think its just a nornal weight
  • mine measured 2 pounds at 24 weeks ! Lol not too surprising since my first 2 were big babies, first at 9 pounds second at 10 and they induced me two weeks early bc of his size. Can't wait to see how this one contiues, anotherpic in 3 weeks to measure
  • My daughter was 3lb 12 at birth so don't know what she was at 29 wks x
  • My baby was 2 pounds 7 ounces at 25 weeks and 4 pounds 11 ounces at 31 weeks or maybe 32
  • i just found out yesterday..Ill b 34wks on Thursday..but she weighs 5 lbs..and 50.something percentile..which what she said was normal..
  • I had one last tuesday at 27.6 weeks and she was 2lbs 14 oz
  • Your friends baby is very small I was a twin born at 32 weeks and weighed 4lbs
  • At 30 weeks my lil girl weighed 3lbs 6oz :) doc said that was where she needed to be so I'm happy
  • At 28 weeks my baby was 3.5 pounds
  • 4.4 lbs at 35 weeks. :)
  • I was told at 30 weeks 4days my little girl was 4.9 lbs!!! My little girl is gonna b a chunker. My doct said he will send me fr another sono at 37 weeks (tuesday) to see about how much she weighs... Atleast shes healthy lol
  • At my 29 week he was 3, then at my 31 week he was 4! My doc said thats perfect they should gain half pound a week/1 oz a day! It does sound big though!
  • When I was 28w she was just under 3 pounds.
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