My first labor scare

edited August 2011 in Labor
Tonight I was having contractions that lasted about a minute and they were about 3 minutes apart. I was also having dull achy lower back pain (still am actually). I walked around and that didn't help, so I drank some water and reclined in my husband's gaming chair. The contractions stopped about 10-15 minutes after that.
It scared me because I'm not ready! I don't have a mattress for my pack n play yet (my mom insists I get one) and I still have a TON of cleaning and laundry to do. I also need to go out and buy more diapers and waterproof pads for the changing table. I didn't have my hospital bag packed either but I started after my contractions stopped. I'm also not due for another 5 weeks. My doctor said at this point she won't stop labor tho. He's developed enough to survive just fine. I'm excited to see my baby boy soon, but I want him to chill inside me just a little longer!


  • If he's meant to come he will. Relax mama :)
  • I had the same yesterday and I'm 32 weeks, its scary stuff but fingers crossed baby will stay in for a while longer x
  • @proudmama
    That's what my husband said. I'm happy that at least one of us is ready! :)
    I'd be way more scared at 32 weeks. Babies will survive, they just need to be in nicu for a little bit. Right now I'm just thinking "stay in for at least 2 weeks!" I'll have everything done by then.
  • I know, I really want her to stay put til at least 39 weeks. I guess what will be will be. Good luck momma x
  • I had a similar scare last week, at 35 weeks. Having contractions 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, and back contractions. But they went away eventually...I think these babies just like to mess with us! lol
  • Guess what...Baby doesn't care if you're ready!! haha, don't be scared. All the stuff you want to have done beforehand won't make a difference in your baby's safe and happy arrival. And don't overdo it when you tackle each task cause you don't want to send yourself into true labor working too hard. :*
  • @cheryl74
    Thanks! :)
    I'm 35 weeks actually and I agree, my son is already playing tricks on me!
    I've been nesting like crazy lately. Today I finally tackled the laundry mountain! The only issue all this running around (we have coin laundry at my apartment and I live upstairs and far away from the laundry room) is that my back and knees are achy. No contractions today!
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