Cumin tea??

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I have heard this helps induce labor. Does anyone know how to make it? Or can I purchase it? Thanks ladies!


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  • Where can this be bought? Grocery store?
  • So does raspberry leaf teah, and something called blue and black conash or something like that. I haven't looked that up yet. Also look up maternity acupressure, its supposed to bring on labor. It looks easy but my husband refuses to try it
  • Thanks! I will try that recipe. Raspberry leaf tea does work! I drank it for one days with my son and that night my water broke, but I cant find it anywhere
  • I've looked too and can't find it. maybe cvs?
  • edited August 2011
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  • I found some!! It was at a locally owned health food store. Maybe try somewhere like that.

    What is conash??
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