I dont know what to do and what not to do. im scared to death.
This is my first baby and im only 4 weeks and 6 days. My sister had a baby young but I wasn't around much ( I was usually at school or at practice) she dropped out. That was when I was 15 though. Im 20 and idk anything. Idk what I can and can't do what I can and can't eat. Im so scared im gonna do something wrong. I live with my fiance and I dont have any family where I live. They live about 4 hours away. I have no support here really. My fiance talks about it but he doesnt know much about babies. He's cambodian and his family pretty much doesn't speak a lot of eniglish ( im white) so they aren't much help plus they eat really gross stuff. Im just so lost and terrified. I wish my mom and sisters lived closer to help because im so clueless.
U need to eat healthy food and fruit as well. Try not to drink too much soda, i drink juice and milk. Oh start takin pre-natal u need vitamin for u baby.
Anyways u can ask the other women cuz this is my first time too and im not so sure on what u can and can't eat. Im 15 weeks pregnant. Good luck and God bless!