I dont know what to do and what not to do. im scared to death.

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first baby and im only 4 weeks and 6 days. My sister had a baby young but I wasn't around much ( I was usually at school or at practice) she dropped out. That was when I was 15 though. Im 20 and idk anything. Idk what I can and can't do what I can and can't eat. Im so scared im gonna do something wrong. I live with my fiance and I dont have any family where I live. They live about 4 hours away. I have no support here really. My fiance talks about it but he doesnt know much about babies. He's cambodian and his family pretty much doesn't speak a lot of eniglish ( im white) so they aren't much help plus they eat really gross stuff. Im just so lost and terrified. I wish my mom and sisters lived closer to help because im so clueless.


  • Do you have health insurance? A good Dr. will provide resources for all the info. and support you need. Otherwise you can always ask us or search online :) Don't stress.
  • Yes, im under my dads I insurance. I go next friday to the dr. Im just so scared. Not to mention I had to quit taking my anxiety medicine so now I have so many panic attacks I have to lay down at work a lot. Its just a lot to take in. My fiance doesn't even want to go to the dr with me. He's weirded out by the thought of another man touching me. He's a weirdo lol
  • Maybe the Dr. can suggest something to help with the anxiety. The fear will subside; I think it's pretty normal because you're still overwhelmed. Hopefully your fiance will come around and go to the Dr. with you. Use the ultrasound to pull him in :)
  • Lol he will have to get use to it if he's wanting to go into the delivery room. But I hope it all calms down.. im trying not to stress because I dont want to lose the baby. I appreciate your input so much!!
  • Oh bless ur heart sweety same here when I found out that I was pregnant I freaked out but after a few weeks later I start to feel comfortable and try not to b worried and stress cuz its not good for the baby. Im still gettin sick most of the time but im still tryin to at least keep somthin down cuz I throw all the time.
    U need to eat healthy food and fruit as well. Try not to drink too much soda, i drink juice and milk. Oh start takin pre-natal u need vitamin for u baby.
    Anyways u can ask the other women cuz this is my first time too and im not so sure on what u can and can't eat. Im 15 weeks pregnant. Good luck and God bless!
  • Your family is a call away, hopefully. Nothing like mommas support and advice. but this website is great for support. Don't be scared sweety. This is a beautiful gift. and if you are worried about the food thing, there are a lot you can eat, just stay away from foods with high in salt. Drink lots of water. Good luck sweety. You can do it...
  • I already got some vitamins, they are huge!! Lol but I've never been a fan healthy. I usually eat pretty healthy but I lose my appetite a lot now. I don't get sick. I just get disgusted by foods I use to love. Its weird. But I need to get a pregnancy for dummies book for real Haha but im trying to be positive but Im a worry wort so bad about everything that's why I got put on the lexapro for anxiety and depression. Im thinking of going to my moms for a few weeks till Im further along so I wont stress so much. Lol
  • I meant fan of soda. My phone deleted that sentence making me sound dumb lol
  • Thank you:)
  • Lol well then that's awesome!
  • Lol im doing what I think is right. I just want a healthy baby and no problems.
  • u should join like baby centre n other sites like that if u google when am I sure all these pages will come up and they will keep you informed of what u should be doing what not to eat and other fun things pregnancy has to offer you for the next 35 odd weeks all the best I has my first at 19 n he's a good healthy kid :)
  • *scared*
  • Get the book 'what to expect when you're expecting'. I was 18 with my first and I was feeling very distant from everyone. I did Google a lot of stuff that helped me a lot. What to eat and all that.
  • Thank you so much:) I feel a lot better.
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