Braxton Hicks??

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
This has probably been asked, but what do they feel like? I know for sure its not real contractions. This is my second pregnancy, but I never got bh with my first. I've been a lot more active this time, so maybe that's bringing them on.


  • When I get them I can feel my uterus get very tight. They are sometimes very uncomfortable and cause me back pain.
  • My stomach gets very tight and I start to feel a tiny bit of pressure down there, but it doesn't hurt. Also I get a little crampy. Could that be it?
  • yup thats bh
  • Ok good. Thank you! I knew it wasn't labor, but I didn't want to worry. I've been very busy the past few days and that's when they start up.
  • Totally bh, drink lots of water!
  • Does anyone else have to poo after braxton Hicks? I know TMI, but I hope it's normal and not just me!
  • How far along are you @barb4209 ? Do you actually poop or just feel like you have to? Do the bh seem to settle down after that? It can be totally normal but it can also be a sign of early labor!
  • Mine feel like bad period cramps....
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  • @MarinesAngel lol...I know. I was refinishing my end tables today
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  • @MarinesAngel I'd have to be put in the hospital. I couldn't do it. I need to be busy, plus I'm alone with a 3yr old
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  • @sands3 Yep, I've gotten a little crampy and felt some pressure too with bh.
  • @lilbun915 I'm 33 weeks and I actually have to go right then! It only happens every now and then...
  • Do bh make you have to pee?
  • I poop every time I have a bh. Idk why... I think it's because everything gets so tight and than loosens and it makes me wanna go lol
  • They make me feel breathless and make me need a pee, no pain with mine just tightening and a little cramp after not even as strong as a period pain, irregular 2 and usually happen more when ive had a busy day although they do come when im sleeping 2! I never had them with my first either but i guess they r bh lol
  • @missLisaJane ok good. That's pretty much how mine feel.
  • @barb4209 good! If youve been constipated at all, its kind of a relief haha. I was having the same thing w my bh and I actually was like, well.. Maybe these arent contractions at all, considering my intenstines are basically in my back now..maybe this is just how it feels to have to poop haha. My dr was like, um no dear.. Youre having some practice contractions haha. @sands3 definitely drink lots of water right away and lay on your left side if they make you uncomfortable. I was just kind of pushing through mine and that was fine but I found that taking 30 mins to rehydrate and let some blood flow actually prevented them from coming back for much longer periods of time. I also found that when I pushed through
  • I think I've had a few. But mine feel like toe cramps in my sides? .....
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