anyone due in August?



  • edited January 2011
    I am prego with baby # 2 . They will be almost 6 years apart. My emotions are all over the place I feel myself gettin nervous as if it is my first. Plus I look about 4 months and only 2 and a half months
  • so sorry for your loss..i know words don't really help anything but I truly am sorry...
  • Im only 15 and im due August 20th, its hard.. :(
  • I am due aug 19th with baby#2. I also have a 2 yr old daughter. I am sick as hell and already on mod bed rest. Gonna be a long pregnancy!
  • I'm due August 8th with my 3rd child. I have an 11 yr old son and a 3 yr old daughter. I'm so excited cause my daughter will have a playmate.
  • Im prego with my first after eight years of trying. So excited! Cant wait for aug.28 to come by.
  • I am due Aug 4, with my fourth child and last! My oldest is almost 17, my middle is 7, and my youngest is going to be 6... It is crazy its like starting all over again. I am excited but nervous I am glad I have a great husband that has helped me with each pregnancy and each child..last child I had post partum depression. I was blessed that my hubby stepped in.
  • I am due August 15th with my first :) Today I am 10 weeks and 5 day..
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  • edited January 2011
    Im due aug 13 think we r at 11 weeks... Its our 1st. I think I have a little monster in me today my tummy killed
  • Im due aug 20 this is my first .. i cant sleep at all :( does anyone here has heartburn this is driving me crazy does anything help to stop this?? I need some help
  • @mommyjellybean I took my birth control until the end of December. Then I took the test, went to the doctors & found out I was 8 weeks on the 10th. I've read the labels before & it's said that there is no harm to your unborn baby. Especially in the beginning of all pregnancies, there's a certain layer of protection surrounding the baby to avoid teratogens. Great for mom's like us who get a surprised "You're pregnant!" ;)
  • Hi everyone! This is my first, ten weeks today & due August 21st. When I figured I may be pregnant, I was sick all day around new years & it followed throughout the week. Now I have morning sickness & cannot do the necessities on the royal throne without gagging! TMI, I know but it makes me really sad. I'm 22 and in my last year of school, so this is a surprise & I haven't told my family yet. I'm sure I will soon though because my shirts are getting tight around the lower abdomen. I also get up twice or more throughout the night to pee. Then sit in bed bored because I can't fall back asleep. Oy! The joys of pregnancy. Hehe. :)
  • Im due aug 31 wit first child second pregnacy very scared but tryn to stay positive haven terrible symptoms always thrown up emotional tired and I look bloated also not a baby bump yet plus my work is getn hard and scarey I work at a nursing home easliy picking up 300lb men and women but im excited for this baby
  • Im due aug 11th with sec child got 4 year old daughter feel big already sickness kicked in n tired all the time cant wait for it to pass xx
  • I'm due August 29th with my first:) & my brothers gf is due April 3rd, so my mom is having 2 grand babies in one year! So she's over excited. I had my first morning sickness 2 days ago & a little today. I'm AlWAYS tired & hungry & I go pee at the same time every morning at 4am. I hope I have a girl:)
  • August 2nd with first...a day after my moms bday I'm praying its a boy
  • My gf is due tha 27 an my sister is due tha 24 crazy lol
  • edited January 2011
    I'm due august 16 with my first. This wasn't a planned pregnancy. I honestly didn't think I wanted to have a kid, but now I'm excited meet this kid :-)
  • According to pregly am due in augest but am not sure i haven't gotten checked yet
  • I am due august 27 so im in my 10th week! This is my first pregnancy and even though unplanned we are very excited! We had to push our wedding day back a bit though (didn't want to be 8 months pregnant at wedding!) No bump yet just bloated and yes fat!
  • I am due aug 22 and I am on bedrest until the end of this trimester.
  • I'm Due august 2nd with my first! Finally not so sick all the time but still no appetite..
  • I'm due august 9 with my first... had two miscarriages...12 wks and one day... nausea went away but is coming back with a force... I don't get hungry and when I eat I eat very little...
  • Im due aug 26 three days after my birthday me n my baby will b virgos im so exicted
  • I'm due Aug 6th! Just had my 2nd appt yesterday and everything is going great! This will be my first baby and I'm so excited!!!
  • Im due august 22 as well our first i can not wait i feel its twins for we both have a lot of twins in our family so i find out friday!!! First ultras
    ound and heartbeat!!
  • I'm due Aug 10. I wish I felt pregnant.... lol no sickness the only thing is I wake up hungry at like 2! So happy! Congrats everyone!
  • Aug 8th, first baby. I completely skipped the morning sickness, just super emotional. Hope the emotions take a chill sooner then later, I feel like a big baby! Lol
  • @babybunny we had to push our date too, I want to lose the baby weight before the dress
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