Breech baby (long-ish...sorry)

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So, I've been a silent observer on Pregly for nearly my entire pregnancy. This will be the first time I've ever posted a discussion and asked for advice/opinions. This is the first time I felt like I really needed some guidance and unbiased opinions. If you have anything helpful that you are willing to share I would be most appreciative!

Here is my situation: I am a FTM, due Aug 23rd with a baby Boy. My husband and I have been planning & preparing to attempt a natural, unmedicated childbirth in a hospital with an ObGyn from the beginning. We even hired a doula to help us achieve this goal. I've had very few complications throughout the pregnancy, my baby has measured small the entire time but still growing (my husband and I are not big people) but he is healthy and checks out ok (we've been seeing a perinatologist & obgyn throughout). Anyway, my baby has been breech for about 10 + weeks now - he is in a Frank Breech position (butt down, legs in pike position and head up at top to the right) and I have an anterior placenta. We have tried everything imaginable to get him to turn (swimming, ice packs, music, moxabustion/acupuncture, Webster technique with a well known prenatal chiropractor, and even the external version). All of this has been unsuccessful. My OB said it is too risky to do a vaginal breech delivery (even though he's done over 500 of them) and that I have to schedule a c-section. There is no option here and he will not do this past 39 weeks. So, despite the fact that I don't want this c-section, it is scheduled for next Friday, Aug 19th.

I'm having a hard time with this whole thing. My doula suggested switching doctors to one in the LA area that will attempt a vaginal breech. Requirements are that it is done in the OR, you have an episotomy and an epidural. Also, with the understanding that it could very well result in a c-section. I'm not comfortable with switching doctors for a few reasons that only someone in my shoes could understand (sorry, it would make this so much longer to explain those reasons).

So, my question I ask my doctor if he'd be willing to at least let me go into labor naturally with the understanding that I will come to the hospital right away and have a c-section? It doesn't feel right to me to plan when my baby is to be born. I would like to have the benefits of going into labor naturally (the hormones that your body secretes are so important) and I would prefer to know that my baby is ready to come into this world that day rather than when I choose him to be here).

I'm so upset to be in this position and knowing what I know now I would not have chosen this doctor or I would have switched 10 weeks ago instead of at 39 weeks. I know that having a c-section is not the end of the world and the important part is a healthy baby and healthy mom. Trust me, I am SO excited to meet my little man. However, I don't want him or I to be denied or deprived the benefits that you get from a vaginal childbirth (not to mention not having to deal with a VBAC the next time around). I mean, with a c-section you may not even get to hold your baby right away and that just makes me cry thinking about it.

What would you do? @homebirthadvocate do you have any thoughts or advice? Am I failure or a bad mom for not switching doctors at this point?


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  • @homebirthadvocate Thank you SO much for your advice/opinion. I agree, how they get here does matter. That is exactly why we wanted a natural childbirth from the beginning. I never expected to be in this position and kick myself for not asking the right questions of my OB from the start. Oh well...hindsight is always 20-20. My doctor is very conservative, has been in practice over 25 years, and doesn't seem to like to take risks. The hospital he delivers at apparently doesn't support vaginal breech (my guess is that they aren't educated/trained on how to best deliver a vag breech). He said that "no doctor will deliver a breech baby vaginally anymore" which I know is totally not true. I do feel my only option here is to change doctors or find a midwife that will deliver me. I agree, he probably won't agree to letting me go into labor naturally for the reasons you mentioned.

    I hate being in this position and feeling like I don't have a voice or a choice. It's simply not right and truly understand now why people choose midwives & home births.

    Now I just need to find the strength and courage to find another provider if an attempted vaginal delivery is what I really want.

    Thank you very much...wish me luck!!!
  • I honestly dont understand drs, some r so lazy... my dr, and I had this conversation, and even though my baby is not breech he has explained to me every possible option....his suggestion for a breech baby, was to get an epidural so that if the baby wont go head down, he can go in and turn him....i suggest to see other drs, its sad to see that drs have become so comfortable doing c-sections, that they dont want to try natural even though most c-sections arent necessary....good luck...
  • I honestly dont understand drs, some r so lazy... my dr, and I had this conversation, and even though my baby is not breech he has explained to me every possible option....his suggestion for a breech baby, was to get an epidural so that if the baby wont go head down, he can go in and turn him....i suggest to see other drs, its sad to see that drs have become so comfortable doing c-sections, that they dont want to try natural even though most c-sections arent necessary....good luck...
  • @caffeinated_katie Thank you for sharing your story with me. I agree, I'd really like to be able to go into labor naturally too. The thought of not even allowing that to happen just doesn't seem right. I suppose it's worth having the conversation with him even though he probably won't go for it. I'll never know until I ask! Thank you :-)
  • Absolutely you can request waiting until you go into some sort of natural labor! My oldest was breech and could not be turned. She was due 4-15, and I chose 4-9 being unaware that I didn't HAVE to have her within 2 weeks of due date. My second was due 5-15, and I requested 5-20 (personal reasons but mostly hoping id get to experience some labor). My dr didn't take me seriously at first and one appointment I had, saw another dr who made me cry saying that would guarantee id have her sooner and be screwed-he insinuated nobody would do a cesection on me if I went into labor (bullshit!). After talking to my mil (who's a pacu nurse) she informed me (medical reasons aside!) csection scheduling is done for the benefit of the dr not you. I stood my ground and my dr accepted it. Day of I was being hooked to all the monitors and told by a nurse I was having contractions! I felt silly not even knowing-i tbought she was just rolling really tight lol

    Homebirthadvocate is an OCEAN of information ;)
  • @mazyg08 I agree with you. That is exactly what I've been saying to my husband. I don't even feel as though I'm being given any options. I feel the right thing for him to do would be to tell me the risks of delivering both ways, tell me what he feels he is most comfortable with, but then leaving it up to ME to decide what we'd like to do. It's called INFORMED CONSENT Mr. ObGyn not UNINFORMED COERCION!! Thank you for your thoughts and advice. :)
  • i know if i had this happening i would feel exactly the same way.. but just know that you will be doing what is safest for you and that.. there are advanages to haveing your baby on a certain day.. you can plan it.. the thing i would be most upset is not being allowed to go on my own as well.. and mabey that small chance my baby might turn.. but there are dangers if you do that.. but if it makes you feel beter than talk to your dr about it
  • @mrs_shu I appreciate your sharing your story with me. It sounds like I need to be more assertive with my doctor and not just sit back and accept what he is telling me as gospel. I agree, the c-section is totally for their benefit and convienence and not me. I have an appointment with my OB today...this is all helping me prepare for that interaction today. I don't have much time left and need to really take control of this situation. THANK YOU!

    PS-I agree @homebirthadvocate is truly and amazing resource. Pregly is lucky to have her on these boards!
  • @bevosnow you're welcome! Don't beat yourself up about it, its a common problem we all have. We automatically assume and trust someone who's gone to medical school and has been a doctor for years knows everything,knows better and knows the latest advances
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  • I don't have much advice since I am a ftm as well but I am currently almost 31 weeks. My baby has been in the Frank position this entire pregnancy and I'm worried he won't flip. I also have an anterior placenta. But from the research I've done the Frank breech position is the most favorable for a successful vaginal delivery. I wouldn't let any doctor talk you out of what you want. If you're set on trying it vaginally, switch doctors. Good luck with everything!
  • Thank you everyone! Your advice, opinions, and words of encouragement are all very helpful.

    @homebirthadvocate my Doula has given me some recommendations and I am about to give one of them a call right now. I will let you know if I could use some additional references. THANK YOU!!
  • @OctMommy Good luck to you too! I hope that your baby turns for you. I'm not sure where you are located but if you are interested I would suggest going to see a Chiropractor that is certified in the Webster Technique. If you are in the Los Angeles area, I would highly recommend Dr. Elliot Berlin. In fact, even if you aren't in LA, I would suggest checking out his website. It has a ton of fantastic information on it regarding Breech and the procedure he does to help babies turn.

    Additionally, I have been reading through this website too and it seems to have a lot of great information too about breech and how to avoid an unnecessary c-section.
  • Thank you!
  • Can't the baby still turn? I swear I've heard of them turning when in active labor. I think scheduling a c section already ia crazy! Docs will do almost anything unnecessary wont they?!
  • So sorry that your doctor is not giving you an option I was in active labor when the nurse figured out that xavier was frank breech doctor acually didn't want to do the c section but gave me the option. Xavier was born 7/21/11 healthy and was delivered breech I would look into other doctors there are doctors that will do it if that really what you want.
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  • @mandac10 yes, I believe baby can still turn and this is one reason why I believe scheduling a c section is not the right move. I am now trying a homeopathic remedy called pulsitilla which is something I've heard can help baby turn.

    My doctor isn't budging, he simply doesn't believe it's safe to do a vaginal breech or even allow me to wait until I go into natural labor to see if he will turn then. I am not going to force him because if he isn't comfortable then I think the risk of something going wrong would be higher. I can't seem to get another doctor to take me at this late stage. They say no :( so, with only a week or so left I am hoping a miracle happens or I go into labor on my own. I've got one more chiropractor appt to give the Webster technique one last shot.
    I know that a vaginal breech can be done and can be done safely. It kills me that I won't even get a chance to try.
    @tricesbaby i can understand why this is a concern of yours. If you haven't already, you should ask your doctor what they would rec if your baby is breech. Ask if you will even have an option of a vaginal delivery. Finding out now will be best. If your doc is one that won't even consider it like mine then I would switch doctors. It will be easier to switch before 28 weeks rather than later when doctors are more hesitant to take on a new pt that late in her pregnancy not having cared for her the whole time. Also, if your baby is presenting breech around 30 weeks or after start trying the natural methods of getting them to turn then rather than wait till later. Your chances of success will be higher. But remember, only 3-4% of babies are breech at full term. Your baby has a high chance of getting head down when they should. :)
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