Today at my doctor appointment my doctor stripped my membranes. & He said I'm 3 centimeters dilated. & could be in labor tonight. But What really are the chances of going into labor?
Mmhhmm probably if not tonight sometime within the next few days. If you try to do something to boost u go in labor it might work and make labor come faster
Thank you for the suggestions @fashion_junky91 I wasn't gonna try the oil I'm too scared lol. And ive heard it could harm baby... But ill try definitely the others!
@Preggointx: I'm sorry are you dilated at all yet?
MIGHT get mine stripped next week, if I don't go into labor before then. But then if I haven't gone into labor, I should wait til my mom comes on the 20th. Today I set an induction for her DD, the 25th. So my mom would still have time with her.
It really isn't bad at all! Don't listen to the people who say it does. It takes 10 seconds & feels like a normal cervix exam. Its supposed to help labor by releasing hormones to help labor.
Bounce ball
I dont recommend castor oil and some labor cakes but its worth a try
@Preggointx: I'm sorry