
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I lift heavy things at work, don't really have a choice, just wondering if i could loose the baby, I'm six weeks, any thoughts?


  • I've heard its bad and could hurt the baby, or urself, ask doctor Wht the weight limit on stuff to lift is,
    My moms bad about tht, she won't even let me lift the dog food or push a vacuum
  • Ask your doctor about a brace to help support baby I have job that requires lifting as well it shouldn't hurt baby but I say as long as its comfortable to u its okay to lift if you feel pulling then I say to heavy could hurt baby
  • With my second I was a drug rep and had to lift my bag a lot. I ended up getting a Hernia that not only hurt thruought rest of pregnancy but had to have surgery in after I had baby. Be careful
  • My dr told me not to lift more than 25 lbs
  • My doctor said that if your body is used to lifting before your pregnant or you did the same job before you would be fine because your used to it and if you did do that same job for a while you did it before you knew you were pregnant
  • Im familiar with the same thing as ashley_lorraine if u did lifting before you were pregnant it shouldn't be bad but always lift with ur knees and be careful not to strain good luck!
  • I work in direct care having to lift patients.....I'm 14weeks. I have people help to where I'm not straining myself but I don't overdue it or do it by myself because its not worth losing ur lil one over.
  • Thanks for all the advice, i try to not strain myself but its hard nyways good luck to u all
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