OMG! Holy hard boobs batman! What do I do??

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
So my milk came in and my baby can't drink! My breasts and nipples are hard as rocks, I've had to supplement with formula and pumping (which is so painful due to the hardness) since she wasn't gaining any weight and get sleep was terrible from being hungry.... this is making me want to cry. I've tried hot showers, my pump, breastfeeding teas... anyone have any tips/tricks? :( I want to breastfeed but its not working.... I'm afraid that she is getting too used to the bottle....


  • I hand expressed the milk.while in the shower then got out once my breasts weren't rock hard and then had the baby latch. But it sounds like u have already tried the shower and pump.
  • Try warm let your milk down....once its even a little soft around your nipples, try to get baby to latch. Or pump just enough for her to will level out...I promise! Lol. Maybe ask @HomeBirthAdvocate ?
  • edited August 2011
    I got the same way. Take some motrin or ibprofen to help with inflammation. In between feedings, put ice or a cool compress on you boobs, then 5 minutes before you feed put a heating pad or hot rag on them. The cool helps the swelling go down, the hot makes the milk come down. Then try to massage and hand express till they're a little softer, but you kinda have to press hard, and it will hurt but it works. My lactation consultant helped me. Maybe you can get an appointment at your lactation center? But you really need to get the milk out or you'll get mastitis. That sucks!
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  • Keep pumping and try a warm compress. Ur just over engorged. It will soften over time and the more u pump. It hurts like Hell at first, but it'll get easier. Try massaging them. I almost look forward to that part, Lmao!! My boobs look so perfect for about a week, Lmao!!
  • Thanks ladies, I will try anything at this point, do you think its bad that I had to bottle feed? She can't latch to my nipple since its hard as a rock, poor little thing gets so frustrated...? I feel like the bad mommy even though I literally have no problem formula feeding i just want to breast feed so bad
  • @charlotteb my boobs do look perfect and full Lol too bad they leak like crazy and it takes the sexiness away
    @mama_kat no one warned me Lol and the hospital just kept asking if i had questions, I had none since I have no freaking clue what I'm doing, I'm gonna keep trying tho, congrats on the beautiful baby!
    @bentleysmommy that is really good advice, I will have to look into seeing if I can see a specialist cause I want this to work so bad
    @mama_underpants hopefully this world cause I'm miserable and it hurts for me to touch them let alone my baby Lol
  • Lactation consultants are awesome they're like the goddesses of breat feeding. It's crazy. They can get any baby to breast feed and they give the best advice. I would strongly recommend looking into it :)
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  • @ashleyfew i did stop since it clearly works too well Lol I've tried and it does help a little cause it pulls the nipple out, this is my first baby so I can admit that I'm just kind of winging it, need more patience I guess, thanks :)
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