
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So this is my first pregnancy I am due September 22nd so I don't really know what's normal or what to expect.... I have the normal or what I believe to be normal symptoms like swore swallon breasts nausea but I have cramps pretty often and it almost feels like my period but there is no blood! I have them tonight as I lay down and I was just wondering if that's normal or if im ok?????


  • Totally normal. I had them for the first 2 months than they went away. As long as you don't have bleeding you will be fine. Best bet with cramping is just to mention it to your doctor. Mine is on speed dial and I ask them about everything. They told me it was just the uterus growing
  • edited January 2011
    I Beenn Havinqq Themm Too.. Myy Periodd Alreadyy Passedd The Date I Normallyy Get It Andd I Haven't Done No Test.... Myy Breast Kinda Hurt Andd Like I Saidd I Beenn Gettinqq Small Crampsz.. AnOther Thinqq Doesz Your Bellyy Lookk Kinda Bloadedd? Mine Hasz Beenn That Like For Almost A Weekk Andd I'mm Also Worriedd... :-(
  • Yes my tummy feels bloated and loos bloated too but my period is eight days late
  • Yes my tummy feels bloated and loos bloated too but my period is eight days late and I have taking 3 tests and there is no denying it I was just super worried about my cramps and it not being normal!!
  • That'sz Howw I Feel I'mm Just
    Scaredd Of Doinqq A Test Tho:-/
  • Hmmm I was scared to take a test too and when I finally did an at home one after I peed on it I started shacking because I was soooo scare to see the results! But I had to because I smoke and I do not want to smoke while being pregnant! And im still working on quitting! But reading all these stories and asking questions to other people helps soooooo much I will definitely be using this app alot during my pregnancy
  • I am having horrible cramps that wake me up at night. It really worried me too and I'm gonna ask my Dr on Tues when I go in
  • I'm 3.5 months. Its gottin better but sometimes I still get cramps. With ur period ur uterus is shedding, with a growing baby its streching. Ask ur dr. But it could be what are uterus is going through.
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