Drying up..

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
So tomorrow is day 4 of no breastfeeding and going through the pain of the drying up process.. A lot of the "swollen" engorgment crappiness is gone and its not to painful anymore.. Now they feel lumpy and bumpy.. Is this normal?


  • I'm pretty sure its normal. When I key my milk dry up after having my son, my jobs weren't back to normal for a few weeks. *bump!
  • I mean boobs not jobs... Dumb phone.
  • yes it is its just the milk that is still drying!
  • Yes I'm on day 2 and I'm still a little lumpy. I'm just glad I'm not gonna get engorged.
  • Did you try taking benedryl? That dries you up just because milk ducts are like any other so its made to dry up running noses and eye ducts. I was told not to take any while nursing.
  • No I didn't take any beneryl but it's worth a shot.. And thank you everyone!!
  • ya it could be like that for a few weeks.. as long as you dont have any reddness or pain in one particular spot you should be fine
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