So since 6.30 am I have been having contractions (obviously cause it almost makes me cry) so hubby, son and I went walking to the swap meet.. And when I went to go pee around 10 am I noticed blood on my undies.. But knelt walking my contractions are strong but to a bit managable,, I called l&d and told them cause I was in so much pain and the lady said unless 3noon apart for at LEAST one hour to not even bother.. Bit yesterday when I called they told me ify water broke or had bleeding to go in! What do I do? They are slowing down and getting farther apart.. I want to have my son already bye my due date was Tuesday.
I'm still at a 3cm and 20%.
Nurse said that I might be sent back home until I'm a 4..
@mama0811, yea she also said that.. For an hour. But that it depends on what doctor said...
Walking for an hour..
Low on battery
I got sent back home. I feel so much pain and pressure but they dont seem to care. I can hardly walk.. Ugh! Sorry God but FML!