Holyyy Crap I just got the biggest shock of my life..MY MOMMY IS PREGNANT :0 as she's 36 of course she's not old or anything but its just a shocker..im 19 btw soo yeaaaa
@jenzoe1 aww congrats momma! And thanks im happy for her just shocked lol @2Beforgotten yes lol im 26 +5 weeks and im like me & my mommy are preqo at the same time thats a little weird
My lol sister and mom where pregnant at the same time and my niece and youngest sibling are 3 weeks apart my mom was 38 and I was 20. They were the talk of the ob office. My youngest sibling and niece just turned 5. And my oldest child is older than my youngest sibling. It definitely gets complicated because I raised my other siblings but can't be there that often for my youngest sibling because I now have my own family. I can't be the big sister who defends her in school and because I'm a mom I am so protective instead of being the cool big SIS.