all i want is just a little rest...

I was so emotionally drained today so I asked my BD to feed and change kaleb tonight & like always he says no and goes back to snoring I am completely fed up and tired of being the only one up with kaleb during the night its not fair and then I'm laughed at and says I'm crazy need counseling bc I get very upset well I wouldn't be upset if you would help me just a little bit just let me get a couple of hours to sleep I can't take this if I knew that I wouldn't get help during the night I would have stayed with my mom...smh ugh I can't take this...and now I'm all itchy and lumped up bc I left the house in the middle of the night and took a walk and I have a ton of mosquito bites on my arm!


  • Sorry u have to deal with that . .men can b dopes
  • *sighs* i know...:(
  • I would go back with your mom. Its no joke getting up every 2 hours. Im so glad my son usually only wakes up twice at night to eat.
  • Hun, if he's not being helpful I really don't think you should be staying there. What's the point?
  • I agree with @beautiful_altar & @blueberrysmom it is his child too damn it!
  • I agree as well! Its crap that he just sleeps. My husband pulls the "you need to see the counselor, you have post partum depression" card if I ask him why he doesn't help. The baby can be screaming through the monitor and he will NOT wake up. Obviously since its 4am here, he's done it again. Lazy guys!
  • && its funny he wakes up and sit there and then goes back to sleep ; I'm over it seriously I wanna leave but kaleb loves him I can't separate him he recognizes us now

    <----picture of Kaleb FINALLY!
  • Im in the exact same position. I moved in with my boyfriend before I had my baby and If I would have known I would be acting like a single parent anyway I would have stayed living with my mom because she would atleast help me, my son wakes up every 2 hours like clock work I can barely shower or eat.
  • Kaleb is super cute!

    Honestly, I would threaten to leave if he doesn't start helping. Write down every single thing you want him to do and how often. At least give it a try even if you don't plan on going anywhere.
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