
edited August 2011 in Health
How strong does a craving for ice have to be before it's considered pica?


  • I dont think u should worry too much about it unless its for clay, cardboard, metal & stuff like that
  • @mama2b11_4_11 Ahh, I see. Hmm... Well, I just crave ice like mad, it seems. But I only like popsicles and bottled water ice. The ice the freezer makes is just gross... I can taste the calcium in it. xP I'll go through about 3 bottles of water a day... I'll get up and immediately put one in the freezer, and wait a few hours for it to create a shell. I'll pull it out when it's nice and ready, pop the next one in, and crush the shell. Once I've got all the ice out, I've usually got a half a bottle of water and the next bottle will be ready. I'll put the half bottle back in the freezer, and repeat the process til all the water is gone. I've been known to pop a 1/8th bottle in the freezer just to get my ice. lol. I think it might have just been the heat, but it's the feeling of the ice crushing that I'm addicted to... idk. I was just curious since I've suddenly gotten news that my baby's head is too small. Was it a deficiency I wasn't aware of?
  • Omg ive been finding myself eating ice alot too!! I hate a whole tray of ice cubes and made more. Anything that contains ice like slushies, freezies, ice water im all over it. Sometimes id rather eat ice then a meal. How far are you?
  • Ate** not hate
  • I'm actually munching ice as I type this. I like to fill ice trays with tap water, gives the ice a mineral flavor to it. I go down the street to our near by Water & Ice store and I buy a cup of shaved ice about 2-3 times a day. Our freezer always has to be stocked with bags of ice or else I flip. I've been noticing I've been craving the smell of wet dirt, and clay pottery. I'm starting to get concerned.
  • I eat ice constantly. Its ridiculous. I can consume dozens of cubes daily. My doctor put me on the iron, but she said the ice craving probably won't stop. As long as I'm following a healthy diet, and staying properly hydrated, I can keep crunching my ice. She said watch my teeth though
  • Someone told me eating ice can mean lack of iron. She wasnt pregnant when she got in the habbit then her doc told her she was low on iron. She thought she just enjoyed chewing ice lol!
  • @lalalorree See, though, my iron was perfect when the doctor checked it when I did my glucose tests. I thought about that, too...
  • @Mythica maybe its just a pregnancy thing lol...
  • OMG I LOVE Ice Especially From On The Sides Of The Deep Freezer & Shaved Ice Mmmmmmmm =P~
  • I don't think I have this, but is it bad that I'm looking forward to being in the hospital and possibly being given cups of ice? BD hates it when I much on them. But it's so satisfying! Lol.
  • I always have to have bags of ice in the freezer i love crunching ice! i go through like a bag a day mmm i just walk past freezer get a couple of piece's out and then crunch um or fill a pint glass up and there gone pretty fast! lucky the ice bags are cheap! i always thought it good for me cos will keep me hydrated right?
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