talk to me about kitty liter

so, i can fully educated myself by looking online and asking nurses i know, but i like coming to pregly sometimes. lol i have a cat, and change her liter box bc my husband hates animals and would NEVER (but now he's also away so i couldn't ask if i wanted). What exactly is it about the cat liter box -poop/pee- that is harmful and what can i do to keep myself healthy during this ttc without getting rid of her!!??!!?? If i finally ever get this dang bfp i don't want to harm the little bean... [-X


  • edited August 2011
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  • I heard that if you were around cats before you got pregnant, you're less likely to be at risk for the bacteria that is in the feces.. but I don't know exactly how true that is. Just do like @firsttimemommytobe said and protect yourself to be on the safe side. And don't forget to wash up afterwards!
  • Its more likely if the cat is an outdoor cat for it to be harmful. The pneumonia in their pee is bad for you to breathe in while pregnant and make sure she is up to date on shots etc and should be fine. And if you garden make sure you wear gloves in case a cat has pooped or peed in your garden.
  • @firsttimemommytobe & @lucyloo288
    thanks ladies! i wasn't sure exactly what it was but knew it was either the urine or feces. good to know!! i never touch it, but i will certainly wear gloves from now on... and i believe i can get some masks as well. i'm glad to hear it's not a nightmare to deal with bc i felt a bit nervous and wanted to make sure... from here on out... i'm keeping my body healthy for that blessing to come... :)
  • @samantha my cat no longer goes outside really. we had gotten a big dog that scared her and when we got rid of him after about 7 months we also moved... it took her a while to not be scared enough to make it out but then she (for the first time) somehow got beat up -i'm guessing a cat fight- and so now i wont let her out a night... which is the only time she seems to want to go out!! instead she hangs out on our 2nd floor back porch to get her fresh air. so hopefully she's safe! lol but i'm going to make sure to wear gloves and even a mask whenever i take care of her liter box... thank u!!
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  • Oh poor kitty. :( Ya just kitty box is the only problem and stray cats because they have so many illnesses and bacteria that can be harmful for anyone especially a pregnant girl. Lol. And keep her up to date on shots Idk why but cats can contract an illness faster then a dog and way easier.
  • Toxoplasmosis is what its called that you catch from it if you don't take precautions according to my baby book... On an episode of house they said it was aids in a black man lol. Idk what it is but mask n gloves and you are good to go! Imma eat some baked beans and drink some maple syrup :D
  • @sunshinelove thank you for the input... and for the ending bc that made my night. hahaha ahhhh imma check in on u tm girl!! <3

    @samantha i really have to take her in actually, i've been bad at it! i will try to soon now that the hubby started his new job and will be getting paid on a regular basis. lol but yeah... it was super sad. glad she was ok... but i was nervous i'd have to take her in. now my kitty has a bald spot where her biggest "boo boo" was right in between her shoulder blades... lol looks kinda funny but it wasnt at the time!! thank u so much for your info

    @firsttimemommytobe thanks! if my hubby was here i'd just get them from him bc i know he has some, but i'll be sure to pick some up this week!! good idea.
  • Toxoplasmins is the right answer. You could already have it, anyone who goes near cats can. They lick there bum then lick you or something you touch lol. Before your pregnant you should get all the regular tests. Sugar levels, blood pressure, etc and also be tested for toxoplasmins. But I think its pretty rare anyway, I've never heard of anyone with it. Also don't let the cat scratch you. That's the easiest way to get it.
  • Ok... im an RN... your cat could carry toxoplasmosis and that's why you shouldn't change the litter once you're pregnant. If you could get someone else to do it that would be best but if you have to do it just wear gloves and a mask and wash up really good afterwards. Chances are that if your cat is a carrier and you have had it for a while, then you have probably already been exposed. But its best to be safe than sorry. But until you're prego, you're fine to do it yourself. Hope that helps :)
  • @etompa01 thank u! it's always nice coming from someone in the medical field. i appreciate it
  • I always that it was the Kitty litter lol I have a ferret and I use Kitty litter in his cage and I make my bf change it lol because I thought it was harmful to me
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