Yes he'll be a month old on Tuesday. I can't believe it. He was my first too! You'll love this forum, especially in your last month because, if you're anything like me, you'll think you're going into labor TONS of times and these ladies are very helpful
You'll be fine! There's absolutely NOTHING that can compare to holding your baby for the first time. It's love at first site. How old are you? Oh and if you have any questions about labor, contractions, etc. You can tag @HomeBirthAdvocate. She's awesome!
And u??
also when your talking to a certain person and you want them to now..write @ in front of the name so they will get the @elsa909
Congrats on your lil girl
Thanks for letting me know @nameless
I see u had your baby rite???
Lol really???I'm getting more and more nervous every day
Live in Pomona California n you??
Thanks I kno I'm so excited can't wait
I am 21 and you??
Thanks for the help @BentleysMommy
Where are u from ???
I'm kind of close to los angeles well like 40 min. @BentleysMommy