still getting constant pelvic pain

edited August 2011 in Health
It won't go away. The pain is not easing at all. It's a sharp jabbing pain, hurts no matter what position I'm in. I can't sleep at night. And as I said it hurts no matter what. Has been going on for about a week. I have been a stressed but even when I'm not it hurts. What could it be? I'm 34 weeks going on 35 weeks in 3 days.


  • Does urs feel Luke its is on one side or both sides?? I'm a ftm too and I'm freaking out bcuz.I had some start the middle of last nght, on the right side, Idk if its normal or if its my pelvis.. but it hurts A LOT!
  • @NewMomInSept Mines right dab in the middle. Like my entire pubic area. It's like really bad period cramps.
  • See I never had cramping with my periods... Well I did a looooong time ago but only once or twice. So I don't remember what cramping feels like! Ur pain is in the middle... Do u happen to know is that where its supposed to be??
  • @NewMomInSept I have no clue I'm a ftm
  • >_< There are so many different feelings to be aware of!! When is ur due date?? Towards the end of Sept??
  • @NewMomInSept I'm due Sept 22 and you?
  • @jtmoon98 I had ligament pain before but this is a worse feeling. Like I will have pain. Then I get a strong jab lasting like a min. Then stops for a lil. Starts again. And my stomach gets hard as well.
  • @xFiratTimeMomx My OB's office just called and said my OB isn't in for two more days, but if it gets worse to def come in and get it checked out. She said its normal, but should be checked out. I know u said urs has been going on for a while. Maybe u should check with ur OB's office and see what they think too?

    @jtmoon98 same here, this feels diff than the ligament pain. Much diff. Lower and more intense. That is the only reason I worried whether it was normal.
  • Oops and I'm due Sept 15th haha forgot to put that in there
  • I had the same thing last night. Thought I'd try to sleep it off but the pain just got worse. Woke up early this morning to bleeding. Needless to say, they were contractions and I'm on bed rest at the hospital with no idea when I'll be going home. I'd definitely talk to your doctor about it. It could be something serious. Good luck.
  • @MsiDrive I have no bleeding nor have I lost my mucous plug yet. @jtmoon98 Braxton hicks contractions or real contractions? What should I do?
  • I have the same thing. My ob says it is most likely my pelvic opening up. It hurts to even move at night with a pillow between my legs
  • I'd go in just in case. Ive been having premature contractions since week 28. It felt like that. At least get monitored to see what's up.:)
  • Go to the hospital.
  • I'm starting to have it a lot at night too. Whenever I move or switch sides it hurts. But I know her baby is down in there.
  • I've been feeling the same way since Friday and mine have been contractions. I'm 36 weeks today. Luckily I had an appointment Friday because I thought they were just cramps but they confirmed it. Mine are pretty regular 3-8 minutes apart while I'm up and moving around so I've been mostly bed ridden all weekend.(on the threat of my doc sending me to the hospital to get meds to stop it.) Don't want that bill. If they are regular pains less than 10 min apart call your ob.
  • I've been feeling the same way since Friday and mine have been contractions. I'm 36 weeks today. Luckily I had an appointment Friday because I thought they were just cramps but they confirmed it. Mine are pretty regular 3-8 minutes apart while I'm up and moving around so I've been mostly bed ridden all weekend.(on the threat of my doc sending me to the hospital to get meds to stop it.) Don't want that bill. If they are regular pains less than 10 min apart call your ob.
  • @jtmoon98 @m2bhope @MrsForesee @ll10 @trisha Yes this is my first and nothing helps with the pain. Laying down nor a warm bath. My pains are like constant nonstop pain then ever so often a regular pain turns into jabbing pains for a couple secs then eases up. Then starts again.
  • The jabbing pain might be the baby laying on ur sciatic nerve. Does the pain go down ur legs at all? If it does, then its probably a nerve. You can try getting on all fours to relieve some pressure also. Hopefully that will help :)
  • Yeah. You're description is exactly almost word for word how I was feeling. I'd go in!
  • @Wilsomom no it does not go down to my legs @MrsForesee and my husband won't take me. he said he would but good me to wait til my appt weds
  • Id go in. I have nst testing and an appt this morning.
  • I'd still at the very least call your Dr and tell them your pains. They'll be able to either determine if you should go to l&d or ask if you want to be seen today instead of waiting till tomorrow's appointment. I know how I was feeling it hurt so bad and didn't go away I wanted some kind of answer right away once I realized the pain may not be normal. If it is premature contractions, it can be dialating you enough to go into pre-term labor. A baby at almost 35 weeks still has a chance of needing time in nicu and may need help breathing by machine if born. Also the brain is still developing. I'd at least call today.:) by the way I'm a first time mom as well. I've learned it's never too much to just call and ask.
  • edited August 2011
    @MrsForesee @m2bhope @Wilsomom @valentinasmommy @jtmoon98 I went to l&d I have a bladder infection
  • Glad you went!:) bladder infections stink!! I had one and was in pain the whole time even while on antibiotics for 7 days.Hope it clears up soon for you!:)
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