is it ok to put cereal in baby bottle milk ??

edited August 2011 in First time moms
Mu baby is having a hard time sleeping. HR is slomst a month soon and a few ppl were telling me to put the rice cereal in his milk but just a little bit has anyone did this before without any problems at around his age???


  • I heard 4 to 6 months. I started at 4 months with my son.
  • Your baby is almost a month? I think its too soon. Your baby can't digest it yet. I would wait til 4 months.
  • edited August 2011
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  • That's a big no-no however when my son got older even though I swear I never would I would put some in with his formula to help sleep.
  • You will get a lot of different opinions. I did with all mine. Just their bed time bottle. Starting at about 4 weeks. Just rice cereal and just a little. All mine came out fine :)
  • My son was a preemie and the formula was too light to stay in his tummy so I put rice cereal in it (one formula scoop) and it helped keep him full and from throwing up. He didn't have any issues and he was less than a month old...
  • Ask your pediatrician. They will have the best advice for you. Giving cereal in a bottle can be a choking hazard, and giving it too early can cause allergies, so the best thing to do is check with your ped and see what they say.
  • I started my daughter on cereal at 4 months. I didn't put it in a bottle.
  • No it's too early my friend gave it to her daughter at two months & she is ok but I thought that was even too early
  • I was under the impression you should never put anything in the bottle? And that nutritionally babies only need milk until at least 4 months? Have you tried more milk or hungry baby milk?
  • My doctor said that it is bad but ny min told me to but since my baby has had breathing problem I don't he is about to be 5 months so he already spoon feeds.

    To be on the safe sidr i wouldnt your baby is only 1 month just wake up and feed him as often as he needs. My baby didn't start sleeping through the night till four months babies are all different. And sleep is a friend that you won't get to see for a long time :(
  • My daughter is now 2 1/2 months and has been getting rice cereal since she was 3 weeks. She has acid reflux very bad and her doctor told me give it to her to thicken her milk and to reduce spitting up and it has helped a lot. You should check with your babys pediatrician 1st.
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  • I tried that and it made my son puke. Hes 3 1/2 months and eats 4-8 oz every 2-3 hours. He started sleeping through the night at 2 - 2 1/2 mo old.
  • Your baby wakes up alot cuz its still developing a sleeping/eating pattern thats y people say get your rest in the tri cuz you going to need it
  • Try enfamil AR! My son wakes up a lot. But the AR keeps him full for quite a long time. Plus he is on liquid Zantac for acid in his tummy. And since he has taken it he hasn't spit up like he use to. My son is 2m old
  • I've known some women to start putting rice cereal in their babies bottles as early as 8 weeks because they had to go back to work and that requires rest and doing so made their babies sleep through the night and stopped any acid reflux at night (this was suggested by thier pediatricians) but most of those women breast fed and the rice cereal mixed with breastmilk rather than formula was much easier for a baby to digest because formula is supposedly pretty difficult to digest as it is. I know these children personally and none of them have choked nor do they have scary emotional issues from sleeping "too much" at night... . Just sayin .... ;)
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