Hi ladies Hcg test question

I have an appt for an hcg blood draw on wed because since my mc my levels were at 1 they want to make sure they hit 0. Me and hubby didn't try to prevent pregnancy this weekned. Would you rescedule the blood draw later to see if you might possibly be pregnant. How long would you wait?


  • Good question.... Bump
  • just get your blood taken. if your hcg is higher than last time then something is happening. i believe your hcg double everyday when pregnant so if it is higher than it was at your last testing then you could be pregnant.
  • Dont really know if this helps but...I got my blood taken before my missed period my level was 11 one week later I spotted went to the er my levels were 40 they said I m/c and two days later it went back down to 20, ur levels need to be above 3 I think thats what my doctor told me good luck
  • I don't think you would have measurable hcg 3-4 days after unprotected sex....it takes that long for a fertilized egg to get to the uterus...have your blood taken Wednesday and then wait till you miss AF :) do you think you were ovulating? Good luck! %%-
  • I was sort of thinking it would be too early. I also have this feeling this cycle I probably didn't get pregnant.I'm pretty sure I just ovulated.
  • Id wait honestly. I had my level taken on a wednesday and had to go.back in on a friday and mine doubled. If you are pregnant then there will be something.
  • And if it is at 0, then you know you are starting from a clean slate with nothing to worry about :)
  • Mine was a -0 and I was 8 days preggo
  • Your hcg levels start to go up on like day 8 or so then double for weeks or so. you should be good
  • Your hcg levels need to be 25 to be classified as ppregnant. And it can take up to 10 days for an embryo to implant. As soon as that embro is attached your hcg levels raise. They double every 48 to 72 hrs. Id wait untill missed period. If you just ovulated the levels will not indicate pregnancy... when in fact your embryo is just waiting to implant. Timing is key in trying to conceive. Trust me.. I've been trying for 5 yrs... finally conceived in march...
  • Also hcg can be present in your body. Pregnant or not. Usually any average non pregnant womans hcg levels can be 0 to 5 on any given day. HTH!!
  • Thanks ladies
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