Breastfeeding...when to start to pump?

When my daughter is born, I want to breast feed her. But then I also want to pump to build up a freezer stash and I want to pump into bottles so that my husband can feed her. I've heard of the nipple confusion so, when should I start letting my husband feed her with a bottle? And how often should I pump?


  • When my son was 2 weeks I started pumping to get extra milk for when I had to go back to work. I would feed him and then pump...I didn't hardly get anything at first but then my supply built up and we had alot of extra milk. I wouldn't bottle feed until after 2 weeks though so you can get a good supply and not confuse the baby
  • edited August 2011
    @mommyfor3 I was gonna wait a month, because I wasn't sure if she'd get confused. But two weeks sounds better! Is that what you did with the bottle feeding?
  • the recommendation is 4 wks, 6 wks if possible.
    i only gave bottles when i needed to be away from the kids, starting at 3 months.
  • My daughter is 11 days old I've been pumping since my milk came in so 3 days I produce a ton. I pump in the morning after her 2nd feeding when we get up. I feed her on one side and pump on the other and then when she's full I pump on that side too. I've been getting 8 oz off one side and another 1 to 2 oz off the side she's fed off. Id wait about 6 weeks before introducing the bottle and have someone else do it so they don't assoicate the bottle with you. I'm going to use the breastflow bottles because they are the closest to the real thing in shape and in the way the baby has to suck
  • With my first I started pumping as soon as my milk came in, about 3 days after he was born. I went back to school a week after I had him so he was with my SIL or husband while I was in class. He never had issues with nipple confusion. I'm not sure if it was pure luck or the bottles I used. I used the soothie bottles.
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  • @ashleyfew

    Well that's good then I got some breastflow bottles from my shower!
    What kind of pump do you guys use? I'm going to be a stay at home mom, so I don't need to pump a ton. Just to build up a stash for when someone babysits her for a date night, and my husband wants to be able to feed her some of the time. I was thinking of just getting the medella hand pump.
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  • There's a pump that goes with the breastflow bottles. That's what I have. I don't know how good it is but the reviews were good!!! Im due this week, and will probably start pumping two weeks after he is born!
  • @jenna218xx I didn't know there was a pump that went with the breastflow bottles. Where did you get it?
  • My lactation cosultant told me 3 weeks.
  • I have the pump that fits the breastflow bottles its the first years mipump it works great I love it. I got the double pump from walmart ordered it on line had itt shipped to the closest store was $66 and some change
  • @camommy is the first years mipump electric?
  • Yes that's it. I got mine at target!
  • oh wow, that's crazy that an electric pump is around 60 bucks, I thought they were all around 300.
  • @camommy are you still producing that amount... My production went down... Alot
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