starts off feeling like butterflies in your tummy, works up to feeling like gas bubbles, and eventually little 'thuds' on the inside of your tummy. At that point, theyre pretty obvious.
I'm 16 weeks and I wouldn't call them butterfly I would call what I get like gas then a slight tightened pain. Like weird pressure. Is that the baby moving?
Well from ur confessions I think I felt my lil one kick two days ago it was weak but very visible on the side of my stomach but haven't felt anything since then is that normal
I'm 18 weeks and let's put it this way. My kid is definitely gonna be a soccer player lol. It's full on kicks, I've jumped so many times, this little one has kicked me pretty hard for only being 18 weeks :P I love it.
Yeah I had that too, where he scared me because of his sudden movements, and was nice because when his daddy was out with his friends, and I was waiting in for him , I felt him move all night as I was falling to sleep, was very comforting
The first movements I felt, felt like gas pressure more than flutters, now I'm 22wks and the movement is more frequent and feels more like thuds at times! I the love feeling her move! :-)
i cant wait to feel my baby....i have felt muscle twitches, and little stabbs but nothing really 16wks and my dr. told me not to expect to feel anything until 20wks....uuggghhh....I want to feel baby already!