changing drs at 31weeks = pain in my ass!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I've been wanting to switch my dr for atleast the past 10weeks now if not longer, but I kept having to schedule ultrasound after ultrasound because my sonotech always finds something that doesn't look right. Well obviously I don't want to miss out on my ultrasounds if they're thinking things don't look right, first it was a low lying placenta at 18weeks which has resolved, then at my last ultrasound my babys bowels appeared to be dialated so I am having a follow up scan next week. I want to switch drs asap because technically I am at risk for preterm delivery because I had preterm issues with my two sons so I want to see my new dr atleast a couple times before I deliver. Well yesterday I called around to numerous clinics that associate with the hospital I want to deliver at, asking if they are accepting new patients & if they accept my insurance, all reply yes. But when I tell them how far along I am they tell me that the only way I can get into the clinic is to fax my records to them with my insurance info & someone will review it & call me back if they decide to take me.

First of all, I'm not understanding why they need my records if they aren't sure if they're going to take me as a patient. Second of all, how can you say you're taking new patients but then tell me I'm debateable? Third of all, can I ever catch a break? Sighhhh.

Going for my ultrasound on the 22nd, faxing out my files to all the different clinics & praying someone will take me. :(


  • I feel you. I just switched drs too at 26 wks and have to bring in all my records plus by the time I see them they said they probably wont be doing my sugar test. Oh well I can check my own sugar :/ I'm just glad to see a non creepy Dr! Good luck w yours!
  • @PrayingForMiracles, why wouldn't your new dr do your sugar test? Isn't that pretty necessary? How long does it take to meet your new dr when switching? Ahhh, I've been very dissatisfied with my care at the clinic I attend currently. They don't check urine, they don't address my concerns, they make me uncomfortable every single appt! My last ultrasound was the final straw & I really want to deliver at a hospital with an excellent nicu just incase there's anything wrong with my baby. Gosh I hope this all works out, idk what I'm going to do otherwise. :(
  • Any hospital has to take u .. u can't have ur baby on the street !! And since u confirmed insurance it should be no prob.. I've had to switch doctors twice cause I have moved twice.. different states each time! And all I did was request the current hospital I was being seen at to give me a copy of all my medical paperwork and then instead of having to wait on a fax I hand delivered the Damn paperwork lol
    It's a pain. I had to do it at 36 weeks :/
  • @podgemarine, so I could just go to the other hospitals l&d when I feel like I'm in labor? Is that what you meant? They def take my insurance I just don't want to get in trouble if I don't get accepted to an affliated ob. & they all literally told mme to have it faxed over, there's more than one clinic I'm looking into currently because they all don't know if they will take me. Fingers crossed! I couldn't imagine doing this at 36weeks, kudos to you!
  • Technically ya I know if I was in labor and if I was closer to the other hospital here I would just go.. babies sometimes take a while but my sis had her baby within 30 mins of being there! I would maybe ask ur current doctor then if u can sign the medical release form for them to fax it now and then make an appt at the new place and say u want to meet with a doc.. I wouldn't suggest waiting til labor cause if u have any problems they will want to see u first I'm sure to discuss them. They said the same thing to me, 'past 30 weeks makes it difficult to switch' but I think if u went in with a nice attitude and prepared u won't have as many issues!
  • I'm trying to switch Drs too and it sure is a pain. I called every place local and either they can't get me in within a few weeks. Or the don't accept Medicaid which is my 2ndary insurance anyways so it shouldn't make a difference. I have been in preterm labor twice and have gd. One office said your better off staying where are. Where I am is great its just driving and I know I won't make it to that hospital to deliver.
  • I just switched obgyns and I'm 28 weeks. I had to switch cuz I moved. My old obgyn said that a lot of drs are cautious about taking women in later in pregnancy because I guess a lot of druggies do that, like don't have any prenatal care till later in pregnancy.... I don't know what is true but that may be why they want your records first just to make sure you have been getting your prenatal care. And she also said something about the fact that if you're changing drs cuz of some issue with the former Dr you're more likely to complain or have issues with them and cause them trouble.... Again don't know what is true or not but that's what my obgyn said cuz she said I may have trouble finding a new one.
  • 3 weeks and the time limit is 28w but they said they'd figure it out for me
  • @podgemarine, lol I'm actually trying to switch to a hospital that's farther away... it's about an hr away to be exact, but they have an excellent nicu so it's worth the agonizing drive. None of my labors thusfar have been 123PUSH so I'm not too concerned about delivering in the car lol. & the clinics won't schedule an appt until after they've seen my records already. I'm definitely not waiting until labor, I'm having my stuff faxed out on Friday or Monday hopefully. I'm not one to lose my cool usually so hopefully that works to my advantage lol.

    @kailiasmomma05, I think/hope they would have to get me in asap at this point, seeing as I'm 31weeks & won't be contacted until atleast 32weeks. I had preterm contractions with my 3yr old at 30weeks+ & spontaneous preterm delivery with my 1yr old at 36weeks. Someone should really consider getting you in sooner, ah! How far is the hospital you're at now? I don't even like my clinic, or the hospital I'm at. Neither of them have given me the treatment I know I'm entitled to.

    @smcox, I'm not a druggie, that's not fair. :( I've been receiving prenatal care since 9weeks, I would have been receiving care earlier but I had to wait for a referral from my insurance. :/ I guess that would make sense that they'd want to make sure I've been receiving care all this time, but I would have never had a problem with my dr if they were doing their job correctly... first of all, don't ask a patient if they're anorexic when they haven't gained weight at 16weeks, tons of people lose & just begin to start gaining then, I hadn't lost nor gained but I was healthy. Secondly don't make a patient feel obese because you told them to eat a bowl if ice cream every night before bed to gain weight & yell at them because they gained 12lbs in 8weeks. Thirdly, why do they not check my urine? The clinic I went to in my home state ALWAYS checked my urine. Then last week when I was in l&d for a migrane I had for 5days straight, they told me I don't have a migrane... who are they to make that call? I was miserable & in pain.

    @prayingformiracles, hopefully it all works out for you.
  • I'm hoping. I'm not at risk for it but you never know :)
  • it could be a mutual agreement between clinics about patients.. they could be trying to avoid any kind of malpractic.. who knows i know everytime i go to a new dr.. for what ever reason i have to sign a release.. more than likely you will be excepted.. and since you already have an app. there not going to not see you because you already had the apt.. good luck girl
  • @lae3, I suppose that makes sense for them to agree. I understand I have to sign a release to see a new dr, just don't understand why I have to sign a release before a dr knows if they'll even take me... I don't have an appt with a different dr other than my current which I am trying to switch out of, I'm hoping the other clinics will accept me.
  • someone will hopefully it will be a better experience for you .. than the one your having now.. good luck girl %%-
  • That makes sense why u would go there tho, better for baby then more power to ya! Good luck, keep us updated :)
  • @podgemarine, yeah I'm just terrified with my preterm risk & the chances of him having a defect so I want to be at a hospital with a nicu that can handle whatever may come rather than a hospital that is only prepared for certain situations. I will def keep an update, I always do. :)
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