Car seat vs. Mother in Law

edited August 2011 in November 2011
My MIL has been a big help through out my pregnancy. She's really stepped in when my own mother stepped out. I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I know she's really excited about her first grandchild. She's become a little controlling though. I've chosen a car seat because of the safety ratings and the fact that it's an all-in-one. She's now trying to get me to choose another car seat/travel system just so she can put it on layaway. I'm adamant about the one I've chosen. I know she's just trying to help us out and she's excited but I just can't see changing my mind just so she can pay for it. In the end it means we'll have to buy another car seat when my daughter outgrows the infant car seat. Am I being too hard? Opinions? Suggestions?


  • The infant seat works until after a year. And its nice cuz you can bring it w you if baby is sleeping, so you won't wake bby up. M.y suggestion is to actually get the infant/travel if she is helping you...from experiance, don't turn down help! Lol
  • Its always hard when someone is trying to offer help to tell them no thank you but say that and tell her why. Also mention that there us tons more stuff that her new grand baby is going to need and how lucky your baby is to have her. you should also double check that the hospital is going to let you leave the hospital with the convertible car seat. I know when my daughter was born they had to see seat in our room which usually you do with the infant car seats. Now she is in the convertible car seat but the infant one was really great to start with.
  • Can you get both? 2 car seats for 2 cars? I understand how you feel; I chose an all in 1 car seat too, and won't be changing my mind! ;-)
  • With babies being so little and vulnerable at first I'd be nervous to use anything but an infant carseat. If u feel that way tho stick with what u want..Its your child! I agree with @mama_underpants in accepting the help tho..
  • She's also getting EVERYTHING else. Pack n Play, bassinet, bedding, etc. She's been a big help and she's really done a lot for us even from 7 hour away. I've tried telling her that it's just not practical for us to have to buy another car seat in a year or so just because the infant fits on a travel system and she can get it on layaway. The travel system she's talking about is $200 which is what the all in one we picked out is too. That was another issue she brought up that the car seat was too expensive. I'm just back and forth. I try to be firm because I'm the mother and this is MY daughter but I don't want to hurt her feelings either. I can't afford to lose her too since my own mother isn't around for all of this.
  • Can she lay it away, so she has the money, and then once the layaway is paid off, you could return it to use toward the car seat you want? That way, she could still help you pay for it, but you'd get what you want?

    I agree with the other ladies though, the infant car seat is SUPER convenient at the beginning, because you can bundle the baby up and strap it all in before you go outside in the cold, and you can eat hands free in restaurants. I'm big on baby wearing, but when you're out alone, sometimes that car seat is just SO much easier.

    Also, if she's buying everything else, maybe just let her buy it and then you can also buy the car seat you want to use. It's handy to have a car seat in every car and you'll need a stroller anyway.
  • @ethansmommy122 The all in ones have extra infant padding to hold them in as well. I've done a lot of research on car seats since my husband was in a car accident a few months ago. He was riding with his Sergeant and his daughter and the car seat she was in saved her life. She was in a FF seat so it's all a little different but I began researching car seats a little more in depth then and I've found a lot of good information. The seat the Army gave them for her to use until their insurance goes through is not anywhere near as safe as the seat she was in yet it passed all the same safety standards and has more padding etc around her. I just want my baby to be safe. Anything could happen at any time.
  • @laura536 Yes she can. She just didn't want to listen to notice that Babies R Us has layaway too. and being in Missouri coming from Georgia, I don't plan on going anywhere with her for the first few months other than to the doctor. I don't do cold weather at all. My husband is also taking leave for the rest of Nov and the month of Dec so I won't be alone until Jan. and again I don't do cold. haha
  • ooo, I would go nuts stuck in the house, lol!! But I know all about stubborn MIL's, mine's crazy! I just try to let her do what she wants and then do my own thing around her. So if it were me, I'd let her get the stroller and then tell her that car seat is being used in hubby's car. (Even if it isn't, lol!)
  • I would recommend cking w the hospital to make sure what u have to do to bring baby home. I know the hospital around here want to see the car seat in your room b4 u get discharge and then want to make sure that baby fits in it. Sometimes babies don't fit in the all in-ones. I have to agree w the other ladies the infant seats are awesomefor the first few months. I had to buy an all-in-one seat w my 2nd daughter but it was bc she out grew the other seat, but other 2 still didn't fit rt in the all-in-one @ a yr old.
  • edited August 2011
    My husband is strict on the research for our daughter and sons seats. We have a infant carrier (Our friends old one) that will be stored in my car BUT his carseat (one he actually sits in) is a high safety rated convertable one. I keep the carrier for the sit n stand and as a carrier but he will not be in it while driving. Our daughter (5 now in a booster) also had one of both and the hospital was fine with our convertable. They just came to the car to check it since it was officially installed.
  • As long as the seat fits the age, height, and weight requirements for the child, the hospital doesn't care. I've played with this specific seat in the store and there are extra padding and extras to buy if baby is too small for the infant padding already in the seat. i just think this is the best choice for our family.
  • Its very practical with having just one carseat but I def prefer the infant carrier as well. Its much easier to take in and out of car especially when they r sleeping. If anything when the baby turns one and can face forward get a seat from the same line u like that can grow with her up yo a booster. My mil is the same way but drives me crazy, her intentions r good though. If your mil is willing to pay for it let her. Just pick the travel system u like and not just what she likes.
  • Depending on vehicle a all in one may be to big. My parents bought me the graco my ride 65 I have only used it like 3 times cuz it only fits in the Isuzu but it's broke ATM
  • I prefer the infant carrier as well but if u think thats best for ur family then hey go for it !:)
  • I hated my infant carrier nasty thing never left the car. Actually I took off the carrier bar so I could get him in and out easier lol *didn't fit in my car with the bar down so it had to go* I'm a baby wearer and specially being in Kansas with a winter baby I'm not walking on ice with a two year old on one side and a chunky heavy carrier on the other. Id just fall crushing them both 8-l. I have a car charger heated blanket so warming their seats isn't a problem.
    anyway realilosticly if a convirtable car seat won't fit in your car a travel system def won't.

    Sorry bout spelling errors I'm to lazy to find the correct words currently
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