when should i go to l&d...2time mommy but its dif. fr. first

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 36 week and a few days so far I have had 4 contraction within the hour which is only 614....its not painful just uncomfortable....I just don't know when to go...are they Braxton Hicks or can I give birth already? Are contractions suppose to hurt if your in labor or can it just be uncomfortable? Idk


  • Go to l&d if contractions are I believe 2-3mins apart and can't be stopped by anything (laying on ur left side and drink water) if they do stop good if not call and seek advice!
  • edited August 2011
    But it would be considered premature labor if you are in labor depending on ur doctor they'd try to stop labor and or give u a steroid shot...
  • Thank you 2boiz_1gurl...I'm waiting for my husband to answer my text cause I can't get a hold of him
  • Its if you get 5 or more an our or if they're 5 min apart... try walking around, drink water then lay on your left side if they don't go away then go in
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