Dear God, someone help me!!!! Quitting Meth ** update at top**

edited August 2011 in Health
K, so I agreed to take in my sister, who was suppose to be a week clean, come to find out when she gets to my house (she came from georgia to my house in michigan) that she's still using, and has meth on her and is "weening" herself off. I feel stuck by her! My baby is 16 days old! And I have a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old. I feel like she is gonna go physco and kill us all! Idk what its like to come down off meth. And I'm scared for her and my kids. My plan is, to get her into a shelter or treatment center to help her, but I'm hoping its not that long. Anyone have any advice? Or tips? Wtf did I get myself into!!!!

*** apparently you don't need detox if your on crystal meth. She seems to be doing ok right now...but I know she's just a time bomb. And go fricken figure, no shleters have space for her right now. So idk what I'm suppose to do now. Shld I take her down to the shelters tomorrow? Idk, I feel hopeless right now. I guess ill be back on the ball tomorrow morning, asap***


  • edited August 2011
    Wow. Can you put her in a hotel or is there someone else she could stay with? She definitely could not stay in my house with a newborn.
  • Definitely get her out of your house.. if DHR or anyone finds out that you knew there was meth in your house, it will be a huge problem.. but show her support and let her know that she can kick the habit and stay clean and that you'll be there for her when she gets better.
  • I would try to call around to see how long diff treatment centers are. I wouldn't have that around my kids either. That sounds so scary.
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  • Addicts usually can't "ween" themselves off. You need to get her out of your house and in treatment.
  • I would either call a hospital or a rehab facility they are open 24/7 and start detox almost immediately!!!
  • The best thing is to get her help you dont need that around your children so getting her in a facility is for the better she's your sister & you love her but you have to do whats best for your family
  • Oh wow....I have no useful information on the matter. Hope it all works out in th end and she can get herself clean.
  • Oh my! I thought u were prego n using I was like oh my goodness when I seen the post! Glad I was wrong! Anyways check with ur local hospitals and see if there is a methadone clinic in ur area area :"> they should be able to help. Good luck to u anit sister. Im realy hoping u and ur family stays strong
  • Omg don't just kick your sister out no it's not right to have your children around that but it's not like she's a murderer and she's not going to hurt you or your kids but you should try to put her in rehab if you can't find something like that then you need to tell her the drugs have to go and try to make her get clean but if she wants to keep the drugs tell her well go with your drugs which is out of my house bc i will not allow them here anymore let her know you love her but you don't want to see her like that and if she truly wants to quit she will get rid of them.
  • Wow thats rough. I agree she needs to get out of your house, addicts can't ween themselves off. Some may, but most can't. She is your sister yes but your baby comes first.
  • Yeah she really needs to get to a facility cuz coming off of meth is very hard and painful. Meth is extremely difficult to quit! I've had friends go through it and watched an ex try to come down from it and it was very scary to watch plus when they are high they aren't themselves! my ex turned into a totally different person! he was scary and would go rob stores and attempt suicide and once tried to pummel my face in.... And the next morning never remembered any of it. The best kind of love to show them is tough love! I wouldn't kick her out necessarily because that may drive her to do it again but she does need to be in a place built to help her! and the Meth needs to be out of your house cuz of your kids. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this... I've seen the damage it can do to a family. I'll pray for her and you!
  • Thanks guys. The plan is, to immediatly in the morning call everyplaace possible to get her into a treatment center... right now I have all three kids in the room with me, so I know they are safe. I'm afraid if I don't find her a place tomorrow, she will refuse to go, so....I got to find something by. Tomorrow!
  • Where do you live, the town. I gould help you look give you a, list of places. Of you would like.
  • Monroe, Mi. Well that's where we will be looking. Its just her, no kids or nothing...and she's still using, so it'd have to be someplace with detox. And thank you @KrazymomofAdrian
  • No problem, with kids and a baby I can understand you don't have a lot of time for this :)
  • Definitely get her out of your home!
    She needs a program. By you doing thus you are being a great assistance to her recovery.
  • I agree with everyone she needs to be around professionals who can helps her get healhty and she does not need to be around any of you. Coming off of meth is scary and people r capable of doing anything. You are not kicking her out so don't be hard on urself u r trying to help her get to a better place in her life and she will be thankful in the long run. Keep us updated if you find a place for her or not and good luck.
  • You definitely can't have her there while she's using or detoxing. My aunt is a meth addict, and unfortunately I have witnessed the "detox" process. Vomitting, seizures, halucinations.... It was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed. I am sad to say that she has been through it numerous times and has chosen meth over her family and children. She's been using for nearly 30 years though, so I'm not sure if the length or amount of use has any impact to the side effects.

    Is it possible to have her committed to a county hospital for treatment? We've had to do that for my aunt, but we are in Texas.

    I wish you and your sister the best of luck. I hope she gets the help she needs and is able to stay clean.
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  • Id get her ass out fast! My ex did meth n he was nothing but psycho! It was like the devil took over him. He became very violent n punched me one time n knocked the wind outta me.
  • Ask her to.voluntary check herself in to rehab...u can't let her around ur kids
  • I cannot relate honestly .. but I know a lot about it because my dad taught me so I would understand the dangers ( he is a lawyer and he said about 90% of his clients are meth related, its really sad ) all I know is it just cannot stay at ur house. Ur kids are your responsibility and this may sound awful but if she refuses treatment I would recommend telling her you will call cops(its tough love but jail is gonna be one place she can get off of it because there is no way for her to use in there...) And even if it is a threat it could help get her in a facility..
    Again I am not in your shoes and I hope everything gets better . Prayers going out to you, your kids, and your sister
  • Addicts don't ween. My dad spent 6 months on our couch sweating, sleeping, feening, and freakin out. We thought he was dying. Later to find out he was coming off meth. I'm glad Ur cautious, because its scary. Good luck hun
  • Most hospitals have inpatient rehab or detox. All u have to do is call. If she is volunteering to go there shouldn't be any issues.
  • The thing is, is she doesn't have insurance, and I don't have a ton of money to drop on rehab. My brother went on june for like pain killers, and it costed him and his wife like 4 grand......ahhh....but were trying!
  • If she really wants to get off it, put her in detox at the hospital. They will monitor her vitals and make sure she doesn't have a too bad a reaction to widthdrawl. She doesn't need insurance to do that, most all hospitals have funds set aside for people who can't afford their medical bills. She Def doesn't need to be around anyone she cares about while going thru that process. She won't have much control over what she is doing.
  • Once she is off, if she can stay clean, there r programs that can help her pay any portion the hospital won't cover themselves, but she has to stay clean. Churches help a lot.
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