What's in your diaper bag?

Instead of putting the baby's stuff in my hospital bag, I'm gonna pack her diaper bag. Let's see if I got this right.. :)

-2 Newborn onsies
-1 pair of Newborn pants
-2 Newborn sleepers (which run big)
-6 0-3 month onsies (some run small)
-4 pairs of socks
-1 pair of mittens (to keep her from scratching her face)
-3 spit rags (for the ride home)
-1 blanket (it's a light blanket, but not quite a receiving blanket)
-2 binkies (in case she doesn't like the hospital one)

Should I pack a few diapers for the ride home (it's about a 35 minute ride)? Can anyone think of anything else? :)


  • Diapers, wipes, .. my husband packed ours and it has her entire bedroom in it I swear.. lol r u packing anything for u?
  • @podgemarine Lol, I had to control myself, because I was gonna pack just about everything, too. I have a seperate bag for my stuff. I figured it would get too complicated to have everything in one bag.
  • Lol that's my hubby for u. Three bags , one for baby, one for me, one for him... Lol I think there is no harm in being prepared, we could live at hospital for a week if need be thanks to hubby :) u have essentials it sounds like so whatever else u want to have is up to u :)
  • @podgemarine My fianceé is own his own with his bag! Lol. I can only imagine how that's gonna go.. lord have mercy! :) The main thing is, I don't want to need something, and not have it. But, I think I covered pretty much everything. I hope.. lol. I'm gonna run out of bags!
  • Ha ur cute.. just an excuse why u may need to go buy a new cute bag... ;)
  • I only packed 2 different outfits, socks, mittens and a blanket for my little girl. You won't need diapers and wipes the hospital will provide that. You won't need the sleepers, or the 6 onesies lol.. I think 2 different outfits should do like a newborn size and 0-3 month one. I'm an hour from my hospital.
  • I haven't packed my bag yet but I really enjoy watching "What's in My Diaper Bag" (for the hospital) videos on youtube.com.
  • 2 onesies
    2 pairs of socks ( one to be used as mittens )
    1 light blanket
    Baby nail trimmers
    p.s. I've had it packed since week 29 because of pre-term labor scares so it's very minimal. I may however only add real mittens and a hair bow for pictures.:)
  • 3 outfits: 1 sleeper, 1 onesie type outfit, & the outfit I plan to put on him when he comes home.
    2 pairs of socks
    A couple receiving blankets
    & some diapers and wipes
  • edited August 2011
    I have:

    Going home outfit (built in mittens)
    Nb shoes
    Extra nb onesie
    One 0-3 onesie
    A beanie that matches
    One pair of socks that match all 3
    One bib, that also matches
    2 burp clothes
    4 nb diapers
    Rash cream
    Travel wipes
    Breast pads
    Nipple cream

    And I think that's it.

    Her blanket is with her car seat.
  • I have 2 outfits...a dress and an outfit with pants in case its rainy or chilly...socks, binkies, my lansinoh, breast pads, receiving blanket and a heavier blanket, a hat and a burp cloth...I think thats it
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  • edited August 2011
    @lily_glz , That's all I've packed too. & @ashleyfew , I was starting to think I underpacked,.
  • @podgemarine Lol, I think my fiancee would kill me if I went out and bought another bag.
    @lily_glz The reason I packed so many onesies is because when I was born, my mom had a problem finding onesies that would fit right, because I was so long. She had to kinda go in between sizes, or find the ones that ran big, to accommodate my length.
    @Mrsforsee I totally forgot about the nail clippers!
    @ashleyfew I have 3 burp rags that I'm going to kinda keep in the diaper bag at all times just in case. I have the ones for around the house put away at home. And, as far as the clothes, the hospital I'm delivering at does newborn pictures, so I kinda want to have a few cute outfits to put her in so I don't have pictures with the onesie they put her in. Lol. I don't want that to be a part of my memories! :)
  • But it would be fun wouldn't it? Lol and don't feel bad my husband seriously packed about 20 outfits for her (he is makin me anxious cause he is so excited lol)
  • The only thing I can see you missed is a hat :) my hospital insisted baby had a hat on straight after birth.
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  • I have two onsies(encased the newborn size doesn't fit her) a pair of socks,and a pair of mittens. That's all I have in there.
  • When I asked my bf about his clothes he said "huh what for I can just come to the house if I need to change"lol
  • @singlesexy1sttimemom nope that's good! Make sure the 2 outfits are different sizes so at least 1 will fit. :) I packed mine, babys and hubbys clothes all in her diaper bag!
  • I used my diaper bag...
    For me:
    I packed a night gown/robe, an outfit to go home in, sleep bra, socks, undies, toiletries, toothbrush, make up, cell phone charger, videocamera...

    For baby Dylan: 2 going home outfits, onesie, hat, socks, burp rag...

    For Daddy: he says he doesn't need to pack, typical man! Lol
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  • I forgot to put socks in mine thank u ladies for reminding me!
  • Better safe than sorry so I have the following:
    2 outfits (different size)
    Scratch mittens
    hair bows
    Diaper cream
    Nail clipers
    2 receiving blanket
    1 blanket
    Burp cloths

    I will use whatever the hospital gives me but in case I need other stuff I think my bby is covered
  • So far I have two outfits depending on the weather her in oregon it can be hot one day and cold the next. My husband insisted on putting diapers although he knows we don't need them. I just have her kit with clippers and thermo and stuff because that just goes in her bag. A burp cloth, hat, socks and shoes 1 pair. And two different binkys. Oh yeah two white onsies. That's it so far. Her blanket will be in carseat.
  • @tammy I originally had a hat packed, but ended up taking it out since I wasn't sure if it really mattered. Lol. Guess I should put it back just in case! :)
    @valentinasmommy Lol, when I told my fianceé he was in charge of his bag, he's like what do I need a bag for? I said, well if you plan on wearing the same clothes for a couple of days, not wearing deodorant, brushing your teeth, etc, then I guess you don't need one at all. He said he'd just wear a hospital gown & stink. Lol. Men.. :)
    @ethansmommy112 I guess I should get rid of a few onesies, lol. I'm a FTM, obviously :) , and I'm so anxious to dress her!
    @MLK619 You've got the same basic idea as me, but I think I'm gonna cut down the load a little bit. Lol.
    @QweenNique I was unsure about packing diapers for the ride home. I don't want her to mess her diaper & have to sit in it until we got here, but I found out the hospital gives you some diapers before you leave for that exact reason. So, I'm gonna stock up on all I can while I'm there! Lol.
  • Me too! Lol
  • Haha well I stay about 15 min from the hospital,so that's probably why he said he'll come home of he needs to.
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