gaining so much weight...

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I'm only just coming into my sixth week and I have already gained about 9-10lbs! This is my 2nd pregnancy and I dont remember gaining so much weightso quickly first time it normal???


  • Every pregnancy is different. I wouldn't worry to much about the weight gain. I am 32 weeks and have gained 40 lbs so far. I figure this is my last baby so I will enjoy it and be fat. I have nothing but time to lose it after the baby is here.
  • Not to brag but I thought I would gain weight so far as well I'm about 6 weeks but I haven't gained anything. This is my first. Just wait when I'm in my second trimester I will blow up like a balloon lol.
  • I have gain 20pounds in 8 weeks, sometimes I feel I'm short of breath!! I fat I don't think it could be my baby?!?
  • I'm 28 weeks n have gained 15 lbs n my doctor says I'm right on track my belly measurements are where they should be n these last few months are when I will gain the cousin on the other hand gained a lot too fast n her doctor has put her on a diet! She is 32 weeks n has gained 30-40 lbs (I don't dare ask)
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