i'm getting induced next week.. what do i need to know?



  • @jtmoon98 So, if they go to do that, what do I do? Just request that I get the Epi first?
    @monkey_girl Yep, already good to go! :)
  • Ive only ever been induced. If you're scheduled to go to the hospital in the morning, you wont be jetting cervadil. They do that the night prior to induction. Since you're already 90% effaced, your cervix is ripe, so you wont need it hun. Pitocin will start out slow, just relax as much as possible during your contractions. Breathe and try to keep your body relaxed or labor will prolong itself. Walk, bounce on the birthing ball, rock in a rocking chair, and do squats during labor. Getting your water broken doesn't hurt, just pressure and lots of warm fluid. I will advise if you want pain meds, do the epidural. Iv pain meds effect the baby and makes them really groggy when born which can cause low apgar scores. The epidural doesn't have an effect on the baby and then you feel no pain. When you get an epidural, SLEEP! You will need your energy! If you tear or get cut, use a squirt bottle (hospital usually supplies it) with warm water EVERY time you use the bathroom. Also get witch hazel pads (walmart/wallgreens) and put 3 or 4 on your pad each time you use the bathroom and dermoplast spray. It helps ease the pain, itching, and stinging. Dermoplast is found in the first aid section of stores, its commonly used on sunburn. If you have a special preference in pads, bring them. You bleed a lot with vaginal delivery or a c-section. I was always most comfortable in my own clothes after birth. Loose fitting shirt and pajama pants :) hope this helps hun.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses Now I have some questions. Lol. :) The Pitocin is through an IV, right? I also tested positive for GBS, how will they go about giving me the antibiotics? About how long will they let labor go without progression before they'll do a C=Section? Can I request a C-Section if I feel the need to? I've seen how an Epidural is administered, but does it hurt as bad as it looks? Will I be able to wear PJ bottoms after delivery? I was told they'd want to check down there afterwards, so it would be easier to wear a night gown. Thanks for all the info! It's REALLY helpful!
  • Okay, #1- pitocin is through the IV yes. Group B strep meds will be given to you through your IV every 4 hours. :)
    #2-every doctor is different. If your water is broken for over 24 hours and you are not progressing well or baby seems under stress it will be a c-section, but only the doctor can tell you for sure how long they will let you go, since every is different.
    #3 if your hospital does elective c-sections, you may be able to request one if you would like, but some hospitals, like mine, do not do elective c-sections. They're on an emergency basis only or if you have had a previous c-section.
    #4- nope the epidural doesn't hurt. They numb you first and it feels like a little bee sting and from there on its just pressure, no pain :)
    #5- I was able to wear my own pj bottoms after I showered which was about 6 hours after birth because I fell asleep after she went to the nursery. They do check you down there a lot for blood clots at first, some are comfortable with you wearing the pants some aren't. You could always wear a nightgown and slip on pj pants when you get up to walk around because you will need to do that quite a bit after either delivery.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses Thanks! :) Wouldn't it be nice if I didn't tear, didn't need a C-Section, go completely natural, and be healed in 2 days! Lol. I wish it worked like that!
  • edited August 2011
    You're welcome hun! Lol that would be nice! I tore with both of my girls but I was still released the following day from the hospital and never had any problems! :)
  • Everyone pretty much hit the nail on the head but good luck mama! Easy labor dust*******
  • if you have either the dr. will tell you how to care for it.. so dont worry.. but for comfort reasons.. i would bring some loose fitting jammys.. i dont know i was more comfy in my own jams.. intsead of that nasty gown they give you.. this time i plan on a vag delivery ive had two so in bringing a tank and my yoga pants.. if this is your first dont be alarmed by how swollen your abdomen will be.. its all jelly like .. but it goes down day by day.. lol.. i say that cause i wasnt expecting it the first tine.. no one told me.. lol i took my shower about two hrs after delivery both times.. and does it feel good.. although your tired.. lol.. but i did it while they did all the baby probing and shots for baby.. they bath them and what not..
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