not normal??? wtf..(long)

edited August 2011 in Babies
my son is 3months and 1 week old, well i dont see him reaching for toys like when his in his baby seat he wont try to grab it rather he will stare and when i want him to reach with my help he would put it down. also he does not like tummy time and his head is still kiind of wiggly not steady he can hold it up when i have him on my shoulder but not if i sit him down...when are they suppose to be able to hold them up good? ahhh help! so concearn about Nikolas;*


  • Maybe he's not interested in the toys just yet....i would ask his pediatrician....

  • @armywife3 thank hun...:)

  • As you know all babies are different and develop different. Like armywife3 said, talk to his ped if your concerned
  • All babies are definetly different. I wouldnt worry.
  • im with them- talk to your ped. but as far as tummy time it's something they have to get used to.
  • I don't think any baby likes tummy time lol. I would hold my son on my chest and just lay on my back for his tummy time at that age
  • Time frames for "milestones" are generalized and average. Like the average baby can sit up by themselves(hands on ground) by say 7 months. Average baby takes steps/walks by 1 year. Some do it sooner some do it later. Lots of babies don't like tummy time. But like the others said bring it up to his dr at the next visit.
  • He's probably fine. The milestone info on Babycenter has reaching listed as something that happens in the middle of the third month, so I wouldn't worry unless he doesn't start doing it by the beginning of month four. And even then, it doesn't necessarily mean anything is "wrong". My daughter is clumsy...she reached every single "physical" milestone a bit late. But she could say over 120 words at 15 months and talk in complete sentences by 18 months. It was like she was focused on learning something she was more "interested" in, lol!! She still can tell you all kinds of crazy things about dinosaurs and which animals are nocturnal, but she refuses to practice "boring" stuff like writing. Keep working with him and bring up your concerns at your next ped visit.
  • @all thank u pregly mommas! i am just a ftm..
  • My son was sitting unassisted by 5mos and starting to use a sippy cup. Off the bottle by 7mos but he didn't crawl until almost 9mos and walk until 13mos. He was early on some stuff but late on others. He was even evaluated and even though he was slightly delayed the said not to worry cause all babies are different and he was only like a month behind on certain skills. They told me if it was like a 3month delay they woul worry.
  • @steph_due_101611 ahh i see thanks for ur input hun! so worried about my boo boo
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